Waxing Services Consent Form


Waxing Services’ Consent Form
General & Medical Information
Have you used any alpha-hydroxy acid or glycolic acid products in the last 48 hours? Yes No
Are you currently using any products containing Retin-A or retinol? Yes
Are you currently taking Accutane or have you taken it in the past? Yes
No How long ago?
Are you exposed to the sun on a daily basis or do you use a tanning bed? Yes No
Are you currently taking any medications? If so, please list:
Are you currently being treated for any illness / condition by a physician? If so, please list:
Have you been diagnosed with an STD within the past 90 days or are you currently experiencing an STD
outbreak? Yes No
Women: Are you currently on your menstrual cycle or due to start in the next two days? Yes No
Have you ever had a bad waxing experience? Yes No
If yes, please describe:
It is common to experience redness after waxing. In some cases, swelling or mild tenderness may also occur. It is best to
avoid all active skincare products in the waxed area for 24-48 hours. Some skincare products can exacerbate or affect the
results of waxing. It is best to allow the hair to grow for two weeks prior to waxing for a complete result. After waxing, it is
best to avoid sun exposure or overheating the area. I certify that, by completing this form: I have read the above
information and if I have any concerns I will discuss them with the esthetician. I have read and understood the waxing
precautions and am willing to follow the home care recommendations of the esthetician. I understand the waxing
procedure I am to receive and have had sufficient opportunity to discuss any questions. I understand the esthetician will
take every precaution to minimize or eliminate skin reactions. I do not hold the esthetician or Magdalen’s Pure Skin Care
liable for any skin conditions that were not disclosed at the time of waxing or any adverse effects from the waxing service.
I understand that any illicit or sexually suggestive remarks or advances made by me will result in immediate
termination of the session. I also understand that the Esthetician reserves the right to refuse to perform waxing
services on anyone whom he/she deems to have a condition for which services is contraindicated.
Client Signature ________________________________________________ Date ______________________
NAME: ___________________________________ PHONE: ________________________________________
EMAIL: ___________________________________
Esthetician’s NAME: ________________________


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