Waxing Consent / Client Intake Form


Therapist: ____________________
Time: ____________________
Name: ___________________________________________ Phone: (_______) ____________________
D.O.B: ____/____/____ Street Address: ___________________________________________________
City: _________________ State: _______ Zip: __________ Email: ______________________________
Emergency contact: __________________________________ Phone: (_______) ____________________
Occupation: __________________________ How did you hear about us? ___________________________
What body part(s) are we waxing today? __________________________________________________________
When did you last shave? _______________________ When is your menstrual cycle’s start date? _________________
***Because of water retention and for your personal comfort, avoid
hair removal two days before your cycle starts and two days after.
Do you have or prone to any of the following: (please mark all that apply)
____Ingrown Hairs
____ Hyperpigmentation
____ Allergies
***If yes, please list: __________________
Are you diabetic? ___ Yes ___ No
Have you ever been treated for cancer? ___ Yes ___ No
Have you used any of the following in the last 48-72 hours? (please mark all that apply)
____Glycolic Acid
____Scrub or Peel
____ Retin-A
____ Alpha-Hydroxy Acid
Have you used other skin thinning medications? ___ Yes ___ No
If yes, please list: __________________
Do you use a tanning bed? ___ Yes ___ No
Any other illness/condition a medical professional is presently treating you for? ________________________________
*New use of any of the medications listed above increases the possibility of a reaction. Please inform
the esthetician if you have begun taking any new medications since your last session.
*Please note waxing does have certain side effects such as skin removal, redness, scabbing, bruising,
scaring, swelling, tenderness, hyperpigmentation, and/or pimples.
*Waxing of soft tissue may cause the skin to tear resulting in the need for stitches. The most
common occurrence of this is in a Brazilian bikini wax.
I have read the above information and if I had any concerns, I have addressed them with my esthetician. I give
permission to my therapist to perform the waxing procedure we have discussed and will hold her harmless from any
liability that may result from this treatment. I have given an accurate account of the questions asked above including


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