request for economic hardship deferment of perkins loan
part i - borrower information
Borrower’s Name
Eagle ID Number
Home Address
Telephone Number
Job Title
Email Address
Company Name
Company Address
Telephone Number
I am requesting economic hardship beginning ____________ and ending ____________. I waive any unexpired portion of
my original grace period.
My reason(s) for economic hardship is/are: __________________________________________________________________
(use back of sheet for more detail)
Please check the appropriate reason for deferment request
To qualify for an Economic Hardship Deferment of a Federal Perkins Loan, the borrower must meet one of the following
conditions and attach the necessary documentation for that particular condition.
___ 1. I, the borrower, have been granted an economic hardship on my Stafford Loan(s) for the same period of time for
which I am requesting the deferment of my Federal Perkins Loan. (Attach Stafford Loan approval letter.)
___ 2. I, the borrower, am receiving federal or state public assistance, such as Temporary Aid to Needy Families, Supple
mental Social Security Income, Food Stamps, or state general public assistance. (Attach documentation of
assistance received or copy of government approval for the particular form of assistance.)
___ 3. I, the borrower, am working full time (minimum 30 hours per week in a position that will last at least 3 months),
and my total monthly gross income is less than or equal to $1,100. (Attach income documentation such as current
pay stubs or W2 and documentation of total monthly gross income from all sources.)
I understand that economic hardship deferments may be granted for up to one year at a time at the discretion of the
Student Loan Office.
I will be able to resume regular payments on _________________________________.
Requests for economic hardship deferments submitted without the required documentation will be denied.
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