Grades 6-8 Goal Setting
Background Information:
Goal setting skills are essential for young people. They empower students to strive for self-
improvement and have control over their own lives. This skill includes steps that will help
students achieve short and long term goals. By reaching these goals, students gain confidence
and are able to identify, adopt, and maintain healthy behaviors that will help them be
successful in the future.
The goal-setting model for grades 6-8 involves three steps. The first is to help students identify
a goal. The goal should be exact, very clearly defined, and have some way that it can be
measured. The second step is to create and design an action plan for accomplishing the goal.
This includes breaking their goal up into smaller steps and identifying what resources students
need in order to help them reach their goal. The third step is to reflect upon if their goal was
met or not. Students may either reward themselves for accomplishing their goal, or they can
make changes and try their goal again. This is a life-long healthy skill and if teachers provide
opportunities for practice then students will gain mastery of goal setting.
The Model
a Goal
Action Plan
Colorado Education Initiative
Health Skills Models: