Horse Consignment Form


Horse Consignment Form
30 Florence Road, Easthampton, MA 01027
Please complete and submit this form by the consignment deadline. Submit one form per horse. The consignment fee is $75 per horse.
Commission fees will be charged. Please review our fees, terms and conditions before submitting this form. NOTE: If you wish to
consign tack, equipment or wheeled vehicles, do NOT use this form. Use the Tack and Equipment Consignment Form instead.
Consignor Information
Full Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________
State: _________ Zip: ___________________________
Preferred Phone: ____________________________________________________
☐ Home
☐ Cell
☐ Work
Secondary Phone: ___________________________________________________
☐ Home
☐ Cell
☐ Work
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Other Payee Name (if any): _____________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________
State: _________ Zip: ___________________________
Preferred Phone: ____________________________________________________
☐ Home
☐ Cell
☐ Work
Secondary Phone: ___________________________________________________
☐ Home
☐ Cell
☐ Work
Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Animal Information
Full Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________
☐ Gelding
☐ Mare
☐ Stallion
Breed: _____________________________________________ Color: _________________________________________
Height: _____________________________________ Coggins Date: _________________________________________
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Yes
☐ No
☐ Yes
☐ No
Registry: ___________________________________ Registration No: _______________________________________
Rider Information
Will you ride this horse in the auction?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If not, do you want to book a Heritage Farm rider to ride this horse in the auction?
☐ Yes
☐ No
NOTE: Heritage Farm riders cost $20 per horse. The consignor must handle, groom & tack their horse and bring it to the auction line at
the designated time tacked and ready to be mounted.
I hereby affirm that I own of have agency to sell the above listed animals and/or merchandise. There are no liens, debts, or obligations
that prevent passing clear title to these chattels through the services of Heritage Farm and its staff. I agree to pay all of the
commissions and fees incurred as published in the commission schedule, regardless of whether my items are sold at auction or by
private treaty.
Signed: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Office use only: Paid: ________________________ Date: _______________________ Check #: ___________ Cash: __________


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