2015 W-2 Worksheet For Priests - Illinois Page 2

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2015 W-2 Worksheet for Priests
Submitted by:
Priest’s Name ________________________________
Address _____________________________________
City ______________
St ____ Zip _______
SS# ______ - _____ - ________
Regular Salary (Clergy Assistance, etc.)
+ $ __________
Additional Compensation:
Auto insurance paid by parish
+ $ __________
($780 for entire year)
Mass stipends or stole fees
+ $ __________
Undocumented car allowance, or other
taxable cash allowances
+ $ __________
= $ _________
Less: 403(b) Retirement Plan
- $ ( __________ )
Net W-2 salary – Box 1 of W-2
= $
Include Mass stipends paid to a priest from a Mass checking account or other source.
Under diocesan policy, a priest should have no undocumented car allowance. (See MEMO
The standard mileage rate for computing the value of the business use of an
automobile for the year 2016 is 54 cents per mile. The rate for 2015 was
57.5 cents per mile.


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