Quarterly Remittance Of Utility Users Tax By Utility Service Supplier Form 2001 - California Finance Treasury Division

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Director of Finance
City of San Jose
801 N First Street, Room 217
San Jose, California 95110
Effective October 1, 2001, ___________________________ (name of service
supplier) hereby elects to remit Utility Users Taxes (UUT) to the City of San
Jose on a quarterly basis. In the event that the annual amount of taxes collected
or billed is more than one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), taxes will be
remitted on a monthly basis.
The Utility Service Supplier is responsible for monitoring the annual amount of taxes billed
or collected and should start to remit monthly when $100,000 has been reached. Any delay
in switching from quarterly to monthly remittance could result in penalty and interest
Name ___________________________
Title ____________________________
Company ________________________
Address _________________________
(Date Signed)
Quarterly taxes billed or collected shall be remitted on or before the twenty-fifth day of the
month following the end of the calendar quarter. Penalty and interest will be assessed on
delinquent remittance. Refer to UUT form for penalty and interest calculation.
Please mail this form to the address below. A self-addressed return envelope is enclosed for
your convenience.
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