Wishes For Health Care: Short Form - Minnesota Health Care Directive Page 2

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Do I have to complete this Health Care Directive?
No. You may complete it today or at a later date, or you can decline to complete it. However, completing this form will help
make sure you get the care you want. Putting your choices in writing helps loved ones know if they’re doing what you would
What information am I being asked for?
Question 1: This question is about your health care “agent.” Your agent is someone you choose to speak and make health
care decisions for you if you cannot. Consider naming a family member or friend who knows you well and understands your
values. Showing your agent this document and talking about it with him or her is important. Make extra copies to share
with your health care agent, health care providers, and other important people in your life.
Question 2 (Optional): This question is about health care and other wishes you may have. You may be as specific or general
as you like. You may include:
your goals, values, and preferences about medical care
the types of medical treatment you would want or not want
how you want your agent or agents to decide
where you would like to receive care (such as at home or a hospital)
whether or not you would like to donate your organs, tissues, and eyes
Notary Public or Witnesses
A notary public or 2 witnesses must verify your signature on this Health Care Directive. The witnesses must be 18 years of age
or older, and cannot be your primary or alternate health care agent. At least one witness cannot be your health care provider
or an employee of your health care provider.
What should I do after I complete this Health Care Directive?
Tell the people you named as your primary and alternate health care agents, if you have not already done so. Make sure they
feel able to do this important job for you in the future. Give a copy of your health care directive to your health care provider.
Keep additional copies for your records and to share with your health care agents and family or others as you wish.
Who can I talk with if I have questions?
Your health care provider can answer your questions or concerns. He or she may refer you to an Advance Care Planning
Facilitator for help.
Use the space below to continue your wishes about your health care (question 2 from front page), or to add
Honoring Choices Minnesota is an initiative of the Twin Cities Medical Society.
Revised July 2014


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