Appraisal Request Form


National Institute of Appraisers: Appraisal Request Form
All fees are due at the time of the initial examination, in advance of research and document preparation.
I have enclosed my payment in the amount of $____________.00 for the appraisal for _____ works of art. I understand
the fee remitted by me at this time is only an estimate of the total fees due. (since the precise amount can only be
ascertained at the completion of the formal evaluation.)
I further understand that if the total appraisal fees due upon completion of the formal appraisal fall into a higher category
(according to the current posted Fee Schedule). I will be notified in advance and will have the option to pursue or cancel
the appraisal.
If the fee is higher and I elect to proceed with the appraisal, I understand that I will agree to the difference and pay such
amounts in addition to the original estimated payment.
If the fee is lower than the estimate I have paid, I understand that I will receive a refund of the difference which will be
remitted with the completed appraisal.
Name on Appraisal: _______________________________________________________________
Mail appraisal to: _____________________________________________ Suite/Apt# ___________
City ________________________________________________ State __________ Zip ___________
Home Phone # (____)_____________________________ Business Phone #(____)________________
Credit Card # ______________________________________ Exp. Date__________ M/C(__)Visa(__)
Billing Address_______________________________________________ Suite or Apt # ___________
City _________________________________________________ State __________ Zip __________
Name as it appears on Credit Card: ______________________________________________________
Check #_____________________Check Amount $_________________________.00 (If sending check.)
For IRS Donation Only:
Name of charity receiving donation: _______________________________________________________
Location of charity: City ______________________________State ______ (Street address not required.)
Date of donation: Month _______________________ Day __________________ Year _____________
Client Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ______________
Please send this form along with profile sheets, photos and any other necessary documents to:
NIA Regional Office
attn: Cheryl Parker
3525 Del Mar Heights Rd., #745
San Diego, CA 92130
For more information, email
or call (858) 793-7671


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