Note Secured By Deed Of Trust Form

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Do not destroy this original note: when paid, said original note, together with the deed of trust securing same, must be
surrendered to the trustee for cancellation and retention before reconveyance will be made.
(STRAIGHT NOTE with acceleration clause)
$_____________________,California, _____________________________________________________
date for value received_______________________________________________________promise_ to pay
order, at ________________________________________________________________________the sum
interest from______________________________________ until paid, at the rate of_________________
per cent, per annum, payable_____________________________________________________________
Should interest not be so paid, it shall thereafter bear like interest as the principal, but such unpaid interest
so compound shall not exceed an amount equal to simple interest on the unpaid principal at the maximum
rate permitted by law. Should default be made in the payment of any installment of interest when due, then
the whole sum of principal and interest shall become immediately due and payable at the option of the
holder of this note.
If the trustor shall sell, convey or alienate said property, or any part thereof, or any interest therein, or shall
be divested of his title or any interest therein in any manner or way, whether voluntarily or involuntarily,
without the written consent of the beneficiary being first had and obtained, beneficiary shall have the right, at
its option, except as prohibited by law, to declare any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby,
irrespective of the maturity date specified in any note evidencing the same, immediately due and payable.
Should suit be commenced to collect this note or any portion thereof, such sum as the court may deem
reasonable shall be added hereto as attorney’s fees. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of the
United States of America. This note is secured by a certain deed of trust to_________________________
_________________________________, as trustee.
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
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