Aviation Accident Investigation Template Exhibit 9-3 Page 9


Chapter 9—Aviation Investigations
Preliminary Management Evaluation Section
Preliminary Recommendations
Case files will be maintained for the time period required
by Forest Service records management rules or FOIA
rules as appropriate and then destroyed, except one copy
of the accident investigation report that will be kept
Recommendations suggest measures that management may
take to prevent similar accidents. They must be reasonable,
feasible, and relate to the causal factors of the accident. All
Examples of records that would go in the case file are:
recommendations must allow for a definite solution to the
1. Witness statements and interviews.
problem. Every causal factor should have recommendations
2. Contract and equipment records.
for future prevention or mitigation, although exceptions may
A. Applicable portions of contracts and equipment
occur. Upon completion of the report, preliminary recommen-
records. Include contract number and date signed.
dations will be developed. This last step culminates in the
Identify the contracting officer and contraction
investigation report and represents the purpose for which
officer’s representative (COR).
the investigation was conducted. Considerable effort should
B. COR diary or records.
be expended to ensure that the Accident Review Board
(ARB) develops quality recommendations for further review
C. Rental equipment (as necessary and relevant).
and action. Number the recommendations consecutively.
3. Aircraft records.
Recommendation number 1:
A. FS aircraft inspection records.
Recommendation number 2:
B. Discrepancy sheets and FS data cards.
Recommendation number 3:
C. Aircraft log sheets relevant to the accident.
D. Power check forms.
E. Load calculation forms.
Case File
F. Load manifests and weight and balance forms.
The accident investigation case file has two components:
4. Pilot records.
the accident investigation report (factual section and
A. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certificates.
management evaluation section), and the supporting
B. Medical certificates.
docu-mentation and equipment that are not in the
investigation report. Cassette tapes, photos not used or unfit
C. Electrocardiogram (EKG).
for distribution, witness statements, and documents that
D. FS application and check-ride forms.
may be too large, should not be included in the
E. Pilot approval card and date.
investigation report. They should be kept in the case file
F. Pilot training and flight time records.
and only referenced in the accident investigation report to
G. Medical injury report.
support the team’s findings.
H. Autopsy (relevant portions only).
I. Death certificates.
J. Previous 24-hour history.
The Washington Office, Office of Safety and Occupational
K. Pilot safety briefing and contract briefing.
Health is the office of record for all Chief’s level
investigations. The office of record for delegated Chief’s
5. Personnel records.
level investigations is the safety office of the region or
A. Aircraft crewmembers, helitack, and suppression
station delegated responsibility to conduct the
investigation. However, a copy of the accident investigation
• Training and qualification records
report will be forwarded to the Washington Office, Office of
Safety and Occupational Health.
• Medical records of injured personnel
• Other related records
• Pay records (as needed)
Exhibit 9–3—Aviation accident investigation template.


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