Aviation Accident Investigation Template Exhibit 9-3 Page 8


Chapter 9—Aviation Investigations
Preliminary Factual Section
• Environment
Causal and Contributing Factors
36. Causal factor definition:
A. Any behavior, acts, or omission that starts or sustains
Sample findings:
an accident/incident occurrence. These can occur
individually or in combination. An event(s) which
• The accident/incident was partially survivable due to the
sustain the occurrence sequence but were normal to
limited cabin structural damage and absence of fire
the situation as it developed are not causal factors.
following the accident (page xxx).
B. Base the causal factor(s) on the findings. Although
all the findings are significant, not all of them relate to
• The flight crewmembers were properly certified and
the cause of the accident.
inspected (page xxx).
C. Reference which findings were used to determine
each causal factor.
• The load calculation and passenger manifest were
properly completed and accurately depicted conditions at
37. Contributing factor definition:
the destination helispot (page xxx).
A. Any behavior, act, or omission, which contributes to—
but does not directly cause—an accident/incident
• Dispatch had not received a position report or contact for
more than 30 minutes, and no attempt had been made during
B. Management actions, failures, and behavior frequently
this period to contact the aircraft or firefighters (page xxx).
contribute to an accident scenario, but by themselves
do not cause the accident to happen. These actions
• The Forest Aviation Officer (or FMO) position had been
meet this definition of contributing factor.
vacant for 6 months, and no assignments had been made
C. Reference which findings were used to determine
to another individual to perform this task (page xxx).
each contributing factor.
• Three 5700-14’s, SAFECOM’s reports had been
prepared on the pilot in the 12 days prior to the accident
(page xxx-xxx).
38. Appendixes. Appendixes can be used as reference
• The last entry in the suppression crewmember’s training
information in the report. They should not be part of the
record was dated 21 months prior to the accident. No
case file. Examples of appendixes are:
helicopter training was provided in 2000 (page xxx).
A. Weather reports/summaries.
B. Aviation Human Factors Classification Analysis
C. PPE analysis.
D. Teardown analysis.
E. Equipment analysis.
F. NTSB Form 6120 1/2.
Exhibit 9–3—Aviation accident investigation template.


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