Aviation Accident Investigation Template Exhibit 9-3 Page 6


Chapter 9—Aviation Investigations
Preliminary Factual Section
A. Discuss the communications involved in the mission.
Operational History
• When was the mission ordered?
22. Operation Base.
• How was it controlled?
A. Briefly describe the operation base supporting the
• Was there a flight plan?
• Were communications recorded? Timely?
B. Include only information that is related to the mission
B. Discuss accident response.
and accident.
• Timeliness.
C. Describe the appearance, accessibility, location,
• Availability of personnel and equipment.
suitability, organization, and management of the
C. Discuss use of checklists (crash/rescue, risk analysis,
facility, including deficiencies.
pilot and aircraft, and so forth).
D. Describe communication between the facility and
D. Does the forest aviation plan address these issues?
dispatch including aircraft communications.
Is it adequate? Current? Utilized?
E. Describe the safety measures for the base, including
the condition and suitability of equipment.
26. Operational inspections and followup.
F. Equipment inspection currency.
A. List the contract inspections performed on the pilot
G. Accident planning and response.
and aircraft since award.
B. Document and discuss operations inspections
23. Aircraft and pilot.
performed on mission personnel.
A. Discuss the following concerning the aircraft.
• Maintenance history.
27. Physical environment.
• Inspections and approval.
A. Discuss the effects of altitude, temperature, terrain,
• Mission loading.
weather, and turbulence on the accident mission.
B. Discuss contractor performance.
B. Discuss the accident mission in relation to other
C. Discuss the following items concerning the pilot.
missions performed by the pilot or unit.
• Performance and habits.
• Was the mission more difficult than normal?
• Manifesting and records management.
• Were environmental factors considered ? By pilot,
• Establish a 24-hour history (longer if necessary).
crew, or dispatching?
• Inspection and approval.
• Was management involved in the decision process?
• Document last days off and flight and duty
C. What was the workload on the pilot and crew?
limitations compliance.
Was this taken into consideration by managers and
at what levels?
24. Organizational structure and management relationships.
D. Was the departure and arrival base or site suitable
A. Prepare an organizational structure chart for the
for the mission undertaken?
personnel involved in the accident and identify
relationships to the mission flown. Discuss super-
Compliance With Directives
vision and staffing levels if relevant.
B. Identify the agency person who was in operational
28. Operational procedures.
command of the mission. Establish why and how
A. Were standard procedures followed?
this individual was selected.
• Pilot proficiency/currency.
C. Identify the individuals both inside and outside the
• Weight and balance/manifests.
organization who were in a position to exercise some
• Load calculations/manifest.
form of control over the mission, including accident
• Aircraft and preflight checklists.
prevention (i.e., dispatcher, district ranger, helicopter
• Power trend checks.
manager, forest aviation officer, and so forth).
• Go/no-go checklists.
D. Discuss the relationships as they are relevant to the
• Personal protective equipment, PPE, (worn/used).
• Pilot and aircraft approvals.
• Flight following.
25. Aircraft dispatching and aircraft management.
• Passenger controls (exposure to hazards).
Exhibit 9–3—Aviation accident investigation template.


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