Aviation Accident Investigation Template Exhibit 9-3 Page 5


Chapter 9—Aviation Investigations
Preliminary Factual Section
Executive Summary
12. Indicate who communicated with and/or observed the
mission including those who witnessed the accident.
Briefly describe the mission being performed and the event
that occurred to initiate the accident investigation. It normally
Crash Sequence/Accident Response
should not exceed one page.
13. Describe the flight regime of the aircraft during the final
moments of flight, detailing each evolution, until the
aircraft comes to a complete and final resting position
and all personnel have exited the aircraft.
14. Include all external factors involved in the accident
scenario such as fire, blade strikes, seat belt integrity,
component separation, and wreckage movement.
1. Describe the mission events leading up to the accident.
15. Provide a disintegration sequence from the first point of
2. Include brief statement describing the weather, terrain,
obstacles, and other operational information concerning
impact, or inflight separation.
the mission.
16. Describe briefly the actions taken concerning:
3. Indicate who communicated with and/or observed the
A. Crash rescue efforts/body removal, and so forth.
mission, including those who witnessed the accident.
B. Accident plan availability and utilization.
4. List the personnel involved.
17. Describe briefly the problems encountered concerning:
A. Communication.
A. Describe the seating location in the aircraft.
B. Availability of personnel/equipment.
B. List the capacity of each crewmember or passenger.
C. Transportation and other resources.
D. Interagency cooperation.
5. Identify the make, model, and serial number of each
Injury and Damage Descriptions
6. Describe the aircraft configuration and loading.
18. Personnel.
7. Identify who authorized (ordered) the flight.
A. Briefly describe all personnel injuries.
B. List expected time of hospitalization/treatment.
8. Identify who dispatched and provided flight following
for the aircraft.
19. Aircraft.
A. Describe essential damage to the aircraft.
B. State whether damage was minor, substantial,
9. Identify who provided operation control of the aircraft
demolished or burned.
other than the pilot. (For example; the forest or district
C. State whether the accident was survivable and
dispatcher, the Incident Commander, the District Ranger,
whether the cabin retained structural integrity.
or the regional office).
D. Photographic documentation.
E. Other.
Accident Chronology/Sequence of Events
10. Using a timeline, describe each significant event prior
20. Accident site
to the accident, including discovery, rescue, and
A. Describe accident site and damage.
21. Omit details or circumstances that are unrelated to the
11. Include a brief statement describing the weather, terrain,
obstacles, and other operational information concerning
the mission.
Exhibit 9–3—Aviation accident investigation template.


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