Aviation Accident Investigation Template Exhibit 9-3


Chapter 9—Aviation Investigations
Aviation Accident Investigation Template
This template is designed to serve as a checklist for the writer of the report. Delete portions that do not apply to the
accident under investigation. Review chapter 6 of the Accident Investigation Guide.
Do not identify involved personnel by name in the narrative. Identify involved personnel by their position. Involved
personnel are individuals:
• Who had an active role in the accident
• Who were injured in the accident
• Whose actions or inactions initiated or sustained the accident sequence
Photographs, maps, illustrations, exhibits, and so forth, will be referenced in the section where applicable and properly
identified as figure 1, figure 2, and so on.
Photographs should be taken before the accident scene (wreckage) is disturbed. General views of the scene from several
different directions is recommended. The location and direction of each photo should be recorded. The following kinds of
items should be photographed.
• Aircraft site
• Control surface positions
• Ground impact marks
• Instruments
• Suspicious bends or breaks
• Seats and seat belts
• Controls in cockpit • Vegetation strike points
• Approach paths
• Radio settings
• Propeller blades showing pitch positions
• Terrain and obstacles, if relevant
• Fuel valve setting
• Engine control positions in cockpit and engine • Photographic documentation of crash sequence
• Switch locations
• Fire damage
• Aerial pictures documenting the site and wreckage
Location maps (include as appropriate)
• General location map
• Suppression plan and initial action plan
• Profile of flight/probable path of flight
• Shelter deployment location diagram
• Diagram/sketches of the airport layout/helibase
• Fire progress maps
• Accident scene or aerial photo identifying important features
Physical Evidence
• Analysis reports from any aircraft components
Factual data and documents used to substantiate facts involving the accident. Witness statements and interviews shall be
signed. If telephone and transcribed statements cannot be signed due to witness’ condition, timing, or availability, insert a
statement by the investigator or interviewer attesting to the time and date of the interview, followed by the investigator’s or
interviewer’s signature. These records should not be part of the factual section or the management evaluation section.
These records shall reside in an official case file. They may be used by the ARB for their deliberations. Examples of
records are witness statements and interviews, training records, licenses, and aircraft and pilot cards.
You must delete these general pages and the checklist items as you fill in the sections and proceed through the
report. Do not address items that do not apply.
Exhibit 9–3—Aviation accident investigation template.


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