Fitness Screening Questionnaire Template

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You   a re   b eing   a sked   t hese   q uestions   f or   y our   s afety   a nd   h ealth.     T he   A F   F itness   A ssessment   i s   a   m aximum-­‐effort   t est.     A irmen  
who   h ave   n ot   b een   e xercising   r egularly   a nd/or   h ave   o ther   r isk   f actors   f or   a   h eart   a ttack   ( increasing   a ge,   s moking,   d iabetes,   h igh  
blood   p ressure,   e tc.)   a re   a t   i ncreased   r isk   o f   i njury   o r   d eath   d uring   t he   t est.     A nswering   t hese   q uestions   h onestly   i s   i n   y our   b est  
Have   y ou   e xperienced   a ny   o f   t he   s ymptoms/problems   l isted   b elow   a nd   n ot   b een   m edically   e valuated   a nd  
cleared   f or   u nrestricted   p articipation   i n   a   p hysical   t raining   p rogram?
a. Unexplained   c hest   d iscomfort   w ith   o r   w ithout   e xertion
  Y es
  N o
b. Unusual   o r   u nexplained   s hortness   o f   b reath
  Y es
  N o
c. Dizziness,   f ainting,   o r   b lackouts   a ssociated   w ith   e xertion
  Y es
  N o
d. Other   m edical   p roblems,   n ot   a lready   a ddressed   i n   a n   A F   F orm   4 69,   t hat   m ay   p revent   y ou   f rom   s afely  
participating   i n   t his   t est   o r   a chieving   a   s atisfactory   s core
top.   N otify   y our   U FPM   a nd   c ontact   y our   P CP/MLO   f or   e valuation/recommendations   ( or   f or  
  Y es
ARC,   c ontact   t he   M LO   f or   D uty   L imiting   C onditions   ( DLC)   d ocumentation   a nd   r eferral   t o   P CP).
No:     P roceed   t o   n ext   q uestion.
  N o
Are   y ou   3 5   y ears   o f   a ge   o r   o lder?  
Yes:     P roceed   t o   n ext   q uestion.
  Y es
No:     S top.   S ign   f orm   a nd   r eturn   t o   y our   U FPM.     M ember   m ay   t ake   t he   f itness   a ssessment
  N o
Have   y ou   e ngaged   i n   v igorous   p hysical   a ctivity   ( i.e.,   a ctivity   c ausing   s weating   a nd   m oderate   t o  
marked   i ncreases   i n   b reathing   a nd   h eart   r ate)   a veraging   a t   l east   3 0   m inutes   p er   s ession,   3   d ays   p er  
week,   o ver   t he   l ast   2   m onths?  
top.   S ign   f orm   a nd   r eturn   t o   y our   U FPM.     M ember   m ay   t ake   t he   f itness   a ssessment.
  Y es
No:     P roceed   t o   t he   n ext   q uestion
  N o
Do   o ne   ( 1)   o r   m ore   o f   t he   f ollowing   r isk   f actors   a pply   t o   y ou?  
a. Smoked   t obacco   p roducts   i n   t he   l ast   3 0   d ays
  Y es
  N o
b. Diabetes
  Y es
  N o
c. High   b lood   p ressure   t hat   i s   n ot   c ontrolled
  Y es
  N o
d. High   c holesterol   t hat   i s   n ot   c ontrolled
  Y es
  N o
e. Family   h istory   o f   h eart   d isease   ( developed   i n   f ather/brother   b efore   a ge   5 5   o r   m other/sister   b efore   a ge  
  Y es
  N o
f. Age   >   4 5   y ears   f or   m ales;   >   5 5   y ears   f or   f emales
  Y es
  N o
S top  
a nd   n otify   U FPM.
  Y es    
No:     S top.   S ign   f orm   a nd   r eturn   t o   y our   U FPM.     M ember   m ay   t ake   t he   F A.
  N o
Notes:     R egAF   o r   A NG   ( Title   1 0)   s tatutory   t our   a nd   A GR:     I f   m ember   w as   c leared   f or   e ntry   i nto   a   f itness   p rogram   a t   t heir   l ast   P HA  
and   t heir   P HA   i s   c urrent,   t he   m ember   w ill   t ake   t he   f itness   a ssessment.     I f   n ot   c leared,   m ember   w ill   b e   r eferred   t o   P CM   f or  
evaluation,   a nd,   i f   m edically   c leared   f or   u nrestricted   f itness   p rogram,   t he   m ember   w ill   t ake   t he   F A.
AFR:     I f   m ember   w as   c leared   f or   p articipation   i nto   a   f itness   p rogram   a t   a   P HA   w ithin   t he   l ast   1 2   m onths,   t he   m ember   w ill   t ake   t he  
fitness   a ssessment.     I f   n ot   p reviously   c leared,   m ember   w ill   b e   r eferred   t o   P CP   f or   e valuation,   a nd,   i f   m edically   c leared   f or  
unrestricted   f itness   p rogram,   t he   m ember   w ill   t ake   t he   f itness   a ssessment.     R efer   t o   M LO   i f   t here   i s   a ny   c ombination   o f   s moking,  
diabetes,   u ncontrolled   h igh   b lood   p ressure,   a nd/or   u ncontrolled   h igh   c holesterol.     M LO   w ill   u pdate   m edical   r ecords   a nd/or   i nitiate  
DLC   d ocumentation.  
ANG   ( Title   3 2):     R efer   t o   M LO   i f   t here   i s   a ny   c ombination   o f   s moking,   d iabetes,   u ncontrolled   h igh   b lood   p ressure,   a nd/or  
uncontrolled   h igh   c holesterol.     M LO   w ill   u pdate   m edical   r ecords   a nd/or   i nitiate   D LC   d ocumentation.
If member experiences any of the symptoms listed in Question #1 during the fitness assessment, they should stop the test
immediately and seek medical attention immediatly.


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