Form Fl-0781-0511 Nj Dcrp Enrollment Application Page 2


(This application to be completed by the enrolling employer)
1. Name — Enter applicant's full name (first, middle initial, and last name).
2. Social Security Number — Enter applicant’s Social Security number.
3. Date of Birth — Enter applicant's date of birth. Proof of age is required at the time of retirement - if available, attach a
photocopy of the applicant's proof of age to this application. Do not delay submitting the Enrollment Application if
proof of age is not available. (Acceptable proof of age documents include: birth certificate; passport; naturalization or
immigration papers; or certain other records, including baptismal records, military records, census records, school or
business records, age recorded on marriage licenses, and insurance or children's birth records.)
4. Gender — Indicate applicant's gender.
5. Daytime Phone Number — Enter applicant's daytime phone number and extension (be sure to include the area code).
6. Address — Enter applicant's current mailing address.
7. Is the applicant receiving retirement benefits — Indicate if the applicant is receiving a benefit from a New Jersey
State-administered retirement system or local New Jersey retirement system, and give the system's name.
8. Employer Name — Enter the full employer name.
9. County — Enter county in which the employer is located.
10. Location and Payroll Numbers — Enter the appropriate location or payroll number, as applicable.
11. Date Elected or Appointed Service Commenced — Enter the date on which applicant began service in the elected
or appointed position.
12. Current Annual Base Salary — Enter the annual base salary for the year, that is, the annual salary paid to the elect-
ed or appointed official on the date the Enrollment Application is certified by the employer. Base salary is the contrac-
tual salary of the official. Base salary should not include bonuses, overtime pay, stipends or longevity pay, or sick or
vacation time paid in lump sum. Hourly or per diem rates should not be entered.
13. Title/Position of Applicant — Enter official title/position of applicant.
14. Elected Official — Indicate if the applicant is an Elected Official of the State of New Jersey or of a political subdivision
15. Appointed Position — Indicate if the applicant is appointed by Special Resolution or Ordinance or by the Governor of
New Jersey, as described in N.J.S.A. 43:15C-2.
16. Phone Number — Enter employer telephone number for the person who completed this application (be sure to include
the area code and extension).
17. Signature — The Certifying Officer and the Certifying Officer’s Supervisor must sign and date this application.
Unsigned applications will be returned.
The newly enrolled member’s estate will automatically be designated as the beneficiary for any death benefit payable. New
members who wish to name a specific beneficiary should submit a Designation of Beneficiary using the Member Benefits
Online System (MBOS) — go to for details; or submit a Designation
of Beneficiary form to the Division of Pensions and Benefits.


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