Health Screening Form Page 2


10. Equillibrium
Have you ever lost your balance, or lost consciousness because
of dizziness?
11. Joint/Extremities
Do you have any history of pain in your joints or extremities,
upper or lower?
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have a history of back pain (cervical, thoracic or lumbar) ?
Explain: ________________________________________________________________________________________
12. Goals
What do you want from your water fitness class?
Tri-Community YMCA
Informed Consent for Water Exercise Participation
I desire to engage voluntarily in the YMCA Water Fitness exercise program in order to attempt to improve my physical
fitness. I understand that I am responsible for monitoring my own condition throughout the exercise program and should
any unusual symptoms occur, I will cease my participation and inform the instructor of the symptoms.
Also, in consideration for being allowed to participate in the YMCA Water Fitness exercise program, I agree to assume the
risk of such exercise, and further agree to hold harmless the YMCA and its staff members conducting the exercise
program from any and all claims, suits, losses, or related causes of action for damages, including but not limited to such
claims that may result from my injury or death, accidental or otherwise, during or arising in any way from the water
exercise program.
In signing this consent form, I affirm that I have read this from in its entirety and that I understand the nature of the
water exercise program. I also affirm that my questions regarding the exercise program have been answered to my
(Signature of Participant)
If you answered yes to one or more of the questions on the screening form, the water exercise
instructors may request that you first consult with your physician as to what sort of exercise program
would be safe and effective for you. We may require written medical clearance from your physician
before allowing participation in a water exercise class. Medical clearances can be mailed, brought in
or faxed directly from the physician’s office to the Aquatics Director at 508-765-5894.
Please return completed health screening form to the Aquatic Director


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