Form Rp-467-D - Application Form For Partial Tax Exemption For Certain Living Quarters Occupied By Senior Citizen Or Disabled Individual Page 2

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RP-467-d (9/08)
1. Authorization for exemption
Section 467-d of the Real Property Law authorizes the Town of Cortlandt. Westchester County, to adopt
a l ocal l aw aut horizing a pa rtial ex emption from t own taxes and special ad valorem l evies equa l t o the
increase i n va lue t o r esidential pr operty as t he r esult of t he construction or r econstruction o f dw elling
space f or pe rsons w ho are at l east 65 years of age or w ho are di sabled and receiving s ocial s ecurity
disability pa yments.
In a ddition, ( 1) t he t own’s z oning m ust pe rmit s uch c onstruction, (2) t he
construction must be within the geographic area where such construction is permitted, (3) construction or
reconstruction of t he l iving qua rters m ust ha ve oc curred s ubsequent t o J anuary 1, 1999 a nd (4) t he
property must be the owner’s principal residence.
2. Duration and computation
The ex emption is l imited to the l esser of ( 1) t he i ncrease i n the as sessed value at tributable t o the ne w
dwelling s pace, ( 2) t wenty [ 20] pe rcent o f t he t otal a ssessed v alue of t he pr operty, or ( 3) t wenty [20]
percent of the median sale price of residential property in the county. In addition, if the senior citizen or
disabled resident changes his or her legal residence, the exemption ends.
3. Filing of application
Application for the exemption or for the renewal of the exemption must be filed annually with the Town
of Cortlandt Assessor on or before taxable status date. Westchester County towns have either a May 1 or
June 1 taxable status date; contact the assessor.
Date application filed _________________________________
Applicable taxable status date ___________________________
Action on application
Exempt assessed value $ _______________________________
Assessor’s signature


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