Form 20-487b - Retirement Plan Election

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(For employees hired/eligible on or after Aug. 1, 2005)
You will have 120 days from the starting date of your employment to complete and return this election form to the Human Resources Department at your
institution. If you want to become a member of an Ohio state retirement system, simply check the appropriate box in Section 2 below. If you want to participate in an
alternative retirement plan (ARP) offered by a private plan provider, check the appropriate box in Section 2 below and select one of the plans. If you do not elect to
participate in an ARP or do not return this form within the prescribed time period, you will be enrolled in the applicable state retirement system.
Section 1 — Biographical Information (Please print or type.)
Name ___________________________________________________________
Social Security no.
Middle initial
Address __________________________________________________________
Phone number
Birth date _________________________ Gender _________
ZIP code
Employee identification number _______________________________________
Hire date __________________________________________
If applicable
Are you receiving a retirement benefit from one of these Ohio retirement systems: HPRS, OPERS, OP&F, SERS or STRS Ohio?
If “Yes,” which system? _____________________________________________
Effective date of retirement ___________________________
Section 2 — Election (Choose only one.)
I elect to participate in an ARP: (Select only one of the following ARP carriers. You must
I elect to participate in the
state retirement system for
contact your chosen carrier to enroll.)
which I am eligible.
Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.
AIG SunAmerica Life Assurance Co.
Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Co.
Nationwide Life Insurance Co.
• STRS Ohio*
Fidelity Investments
I understand that I may not change my election to
participate in the state retirement system after my
Great American Life Insurance Co.
The Hartford
election period expires and that my election will be
irrevocable while I am continuously employed in a
Voya Financial
The Travelers Companies, Inc.
position at my current college or university.
I understand that by electing to participate in an ARP I am irrevocably waiving my right to participate
in the eligible state retirement system while I am continuously employed in a position at my college or
*Eligible employees may be able to participate in a defined
university. I also understand that by electing to participate in an ARP offered by a private plan provider,
contribution plan. Contact your applicable retirement system for
I will be forever barred from claiming or purchasing service credit or participating in other plans offered
more information about these plans and eligibility.
by any state retirement system for the period that an election to participate in an ARP is effective.
Section 3 — Authorization
I hereby certify the election chosen above in Section 2. I understand that I will be able to make an election to participate in another ARP or Ohio public
retirement system if I cease to be continuously employed or am subsequently employed full time by another Ohio public institution of higher education
in a position for which a retirement election is available.
Employee’s signature
Applicable state system
For ARP Elections Only
Contributions made to the applicable state system during the election
Annual compensation ________________________________________
period to be forwarded to the ARP provider:
Date election form received by college/university __________________
Employee contributions ....................................... _______________
First date eligible to participate in an ARP ________________________
Total employer contributions ............................... _______________
Certified by ________________________________________________
Less supplemental contributions .......................... _______________
Title ______________________________________________________
Employer contributions to ARP provider ............. _______________
College/University __________________________________________
Date of last payroll report with employee
contributions to applicable state system............... _______________
Employer code _____________________________________________
20-487b, 10/14/2


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