(Living Will)
On completion, give copies to your physician, family members, and Healthcare Agent. If you wish to revoke or replace this
document, mark it clearly as “Revoked” or destroy it and all its copies, if possible. If you do not understand the choices and
options, seek advice from a healthcare provider or other qualified advisor.
procedure considered necessary by my healthcare
providers to provide comfort or relieve pain.
I, _______________________________________, am
(Initials) I direct that life-sustaining procedures
at least eighteen years old and able to make and
shall be continued for/until (state timeframe or goal):
communicate my own decisions. It is my direction that
the following instructions be followed if I am diagnosed
by two qualified doctors to be in a terminal condition or
Persistent Vegetative State.
2. Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
A. Terminal Condition
If I am receiving nutrition and hydration by tube, I direct
If at any time my physician and one other qualified
that one of the following actions be taken
(initial one)
physician certify in writing that I have a terminal
condition, and I am unable to make or communicate my
(Initials) Artificial nutrition and hydration shall
own decisions about medical treatment, then:
not be continued.
1. LifeSustaining Procedures (initial one):
(Initials) Artificial nutrition and hydration shall
be continued for/until (state timeframe or goal):
(Initials) I direct that all life-sustaining
procedures shall be withdrawn and/or withheld, not
including any procedure considered necessary by my
healthcare providers to provide comfort or relieve pain.
(Initials) Artificial nutrition and hydration shall
be continued, if medically possible and advisable
(Initials) I direct that life-sustaining procedures
according to my healthcare providers.
shall be continued for/until (state timeframe or goal):
Please indicate below if you have attached to this form
2. Artificial Nutrition and Hydration
any other instructions for your care after you are
If I am receiving nutrition and hydration by tube, I direct
certified in a terminal condition or Persistent Vegetative
that one of the following actions be taken
(initial one)
State (for instance, to be enrolled in a hospice program,
remain at or be transferred to home, discontinue or
(Initials) Artificial nutrition and hydration shall
refuse other treatments such as dialysis, transfusions,
not be continued.
antibiotics, diagnostic tests, etc.)
(initial one)
(Initials) Artificial nutrition and hydration shall
(Initials) Yes, I have attached other directions.
be continued for/until (state timeframe or goal):
(Initials) No, I do not have any other directions.
(Initials) Artificial nutrition and hydration shall
be continued, if medically possible and advisable
(initial one)
according to my healthcare providers.
(Initials) My Agent under my Medical Durable
Power of Attorney shall have the authority to override
B. Persistent Vegetative State
any of the directions stated here, whether I signed this
If at any time my physician and one other qualified
declaration before or after I appointed that Agent.
physician certify in writing that I am in a Persistent
Vegetative State, then:
(Initials) My directions as stated here may not
be overridden or revoked by my Agent under Medical
1. LifeSustaining Procedures (initial one):
Durable Power of Attorney, whether I signed this
(Initials) I direct that life-sustaining procedures
declaration before or after I appointed that Agent.
shall be withdrawn and/or withheld, not including any
Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 15-18.101–113