General Power Of Attorney Questionnaire Template Page 2


Selection of Your Representative (Agent):
I choose the following person to act as my representative to make financial decisions for me. (If married, usually
spouse. If there is an actual disagreement between your agent and your alternate agent, this agent would be
Full Legal Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: ___________________ ZIP:
Cell: _______________________________ Work: ________________________ Home: _______________________
I choose the following person to act as my alternate representative to make financial decisions for me. (Optional. If there
is an actual disagreement between your agents, this agent would be secondary.):
Full Legal Name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: ___________________ ZIP:
Cell: _______________________________ Work: ________________________ Home: _______________________
Scope and Extent of Powers Granted by the General Power of Attorney (Initial any of the following):
Personal Finances: This gives your Agent the ability to withdraw and deposit funds from bank
accounts belonging to you, to enter and remove contents of all safe deposit boxes rented by you,
receive money owed or belonging to you, loan money on your behalf, etc.
Real Property: This gives your Agent the ability to purchase real property on your behalf or sell,
lease, subdivide, convey, mortgage, litigate, insure, transfer, encumber, etc. any interest you
have in real property.
Personal Property: This gives your Agent the ability to buy personal property on your behalf or
sell, exchange, transfer, litigate, insure, encumber, etc. your personal property.
Business Transactions: This gives your Agent the ability to sign and execute any vote, approval,
opposition, termination, investment, disposition, lease, indemnity, agreement, bill of sale, bond,
check, release, etc. on your behalf for any of your business interest/decisions you may have.
To Do and Perform Every and All Acts Required: This is the catch all for your Agent to cover all
necessary or appropriate actions which you would do if personally present, and not otherwise
specifically outlined in your General Power of Attorney.
Other (Please explain in detail): __________________________________________________
Specific Exclusions You Would Like Contained in the General Power of Attorney (Explain or write “not applicable”):


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