Form Ujs-304b Financial Affidavit Page 4


TOTAL LIABILITIES …..$_____________
ANTICIPATED INCOME (money or property you are expecting)
a. Total monies or income from sale of house or land, gifts, inheritance, allotments,
trust funds, lease money, etc………………………………………………………………$______________
When is the money/income expected? ______________________
Signature of Person Filling out this Affidavit
(Sign only in front of notary public or clerk of courts.)
Sworn/affirmed before me this
day of
If notary, My Commission Expires ________________________
Notary Public \ Clerk of Courts
 If you have children, you must complete the child support calculation. The DSS calculator is found at
 Attach your calculation of child support
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Form UJS-304B
Rev. 01/2015


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