Bureau of Occupational Licenses
1109 Main Street, Suite 220
Boise, Idaho 83702-5642
(208) 334-3233
Complete this form by providing (please print) the requested information and submit it to the address noted above. The
signatures of the applicant and school agent must be notarized and the fee ($25.00) must be attached. Returned checks are
subject to a $20.00 collection fee.
I wish to be registered as a student instructor of: (please check one)
[ ]Cosmetology
[ ]Electrology
[ ]Cosmetology
[ ]Electrology
in the state of Idaho under provisions of Title 54, Chapter 8, Idaho Code as amended.
1. Full Name (Mr., Mrs., or Ms.) ____________________________________________________________________
2. Mailing address________________________________________________________________________________
3. Date of Birth _____-_____-______
License number ____________
month day
4. Social Security No. ______-____-______ Home phone number (____)____________ E-mail _________________
5. Name of Cosmetology School attending ______________________________________________________________
6. Have you ever been convicted of any State or Federal felony?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
(If yes, please attach a detailed statement, including a summary of the charges, the final order, any probation or parole documentation,
and any other relevant information.)
7. Do you have practical experience under licensure?
[ ]Yes
[ ]No
(If yes, please attach a detailed statement of your experience, noting the names and addresses of the businesses in which you gained
your experience and the dates of experience for each business listed.)
I hereby certify that I am the person named above and that I have no infectious or contagious disease which may pose a
threat to the general public and that I am of good moral character and temperate habits. I swear or affirm that the
information provided on and attached to this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
I hereby authorize and direct any person, agency, firm, or other entity to release to the Bureau of Occupational Licenses or
it’s identified agent any and all information, communications recommendations, reports, records, statements, or
disclosures, whether public, privileged or confidential, that may relate to my professional qualifications or credentials or
that may have bearing on my eligibility for licensure.
Signature of applicant
State of ______________, County of _________________, ss.
Subscribed and sworn before me this ______ day of _______________________, 20 _____.
Notary Public official signature
residing at________________________________________________________
my commission expires_____________________________________________
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SI-59-revised 08/00