In Town Business License Application Form - City Of Glenwood Springs Page 3


Property Information
1. In what zone district will your business be located?
Glenwood Meadows shopping area
Roaring Fork Market Place
Glenwood Springs Mall
Note: To check the zone district, go to
and click on “Maps-Zoning Map” or call the Glenwood Springs Community
Development Department at 384-6411. It is important to make sure that you check the zoning prior to purchasing or leasing
a property in order to insure that your type of business is allowed in the zone district.
2. Is there off-street parking available at your location?
If “yes”, how many spaces are available or dedicated to your business?
Note: Please refer to the minimum parking requirements in Article 070.050 of the City’s Municipal Code which are
available on line at . Properties located in many of the commercial planned unit developments have parking
requirements that are different from those in the Municipal Code. Additionally, properties located in the General Improvement District
(downtown area) do not require off-site parking. If you have questions about parking requirements please call the Community
Development Department at 384-6411. It is important to make sure that you have sufficient parking to support your type of
business prior to purchasing or leasing a property. The Community Development Department may require that you submit a
parking plan.
Signs: Are you
(check all that apply)-
Installing a new sign?
Changing lettering on an existing sign
(Sign permit application required.
(Face change application required; sign permit may be required. )
Installing a banner?
(for example, to announce a grand opening, special sales event or for use as a temporary sign.
Banner permit application required).
Note: Sign permit, Face Change, and Banner permit applications are available on line at . Click on “City forms portal”,
“Community Development forms”. Please make sure that you obtain an approved permit PRIOR to ordering your sign or
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