Power Of Attorney (Consumer) Form


Power of Attorney (Consumer)
In this document, the words I, me and mine mean each signer giving the power (also called the “Principals”). I, ____________________________________________ living at (address)
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, and I (if joint account),
___________________________________________living at (address) ____________________________________________________________________________, make (Name(s)
and address of Attorney(s)); (limited to two attorneys)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
my/our legal representative (called an “attorney–in–fact,” and referred to in this document as the “Attorney”) to do the following business with Citibank, N.A. (the “Bank”) in my name
whether in person, in writing or by electronic or telephonic means, or in any other manner acceptable to the Bank.
I give my attorney the authority to do the activities selected below that he or she considers necessary and proper to conduct this business with the Bank, even if it is for the Attorney’s own
benefit, as if I were personally doing it. I approve everything that my Attorney legally does in carrying out these instructions. (Select individual authorities or select all)
Banking Activities
Open Accounts - To open and/or operate any one or more deposit or other accounts in my name or any other name including the name of the Attorney;
Deposit and Cash Checks - To deposit money, checks, notes and other instruments for the payment of money; to endorse any of these instruments with my name
for the purpose of cashing or depositing them or paying them to other persons, including the Attorney;
Withdrawal Funds - To write and sign checks and other instruments to be paid by the Bank; to give orders for the withdrawal, transfer or other use of money on
deposit at the Bank or otherwise available to me.
Borrowing Activities
Borrow Money - To borrow money from the Bank in my name with or without security and to enter into any agreements necessary for that purpose;
Renewals and Extensions - To renew, extend or modify the terms of any agreement in my name with the Bank for the borrowing of money.
Retirement Plan Services (Citibank IRA or Keogh Plan)
Contributions - To make additional contributions to my account;
Distributions – To request distributions from my account and make a tax withholding election for distributions;
Investments – To change my investments (at maturity only) and to provide instructions to invest in FDIC-insured options;
Buying/Selling/Trading Power – To buy, sell, subscribe for and trade in stocks, bonds, covered call options, trust units and any other permissible securities (Keogh
Plans only).
Safe Deposit Box -
To lease from the Bank one or more safe deposit boxes in my name and to have access to any safe deposit box in my name at the Bank.
Other -
Specify any other authority you wish to give your Attorney. __________________________________________________________________________________
All of the Authority Listed Above
Attorney–in–Fact Specimen Signature(s)
Attorney-in-Fact 1
Attorney-in-Fact 2
Principal Signature(s)
To persuade the Bank to rely on this Power of Attorney I agree to the following: 1) While I am alive, the Power of Attorney will stay in force unless my Attorney or I notify the Bank that it is
revoked, or until by operation of law it is no longer in force; 2) Until the Bank receives notice that this Power is no longer in force, and has a reasonable opportunity to act on the notice, I
agree that the Bank will not be liable for any claims made against it by any person because the Bank has relied on this Power. I will repay the Bank for any loss or expense it incurs
because of any action it takes under the authority of this Power; 3) If I have named two Attorneys, each Attorney acting alone may exercise this Power, and 4) The Power of Attorney shall
not be affected if I become disabled or incompetent.
Signature of Principal
Signature of Principal
Witness Signature
Witness Signature
Witness Name
Witness Name
NFC0428P - FL


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