Core Beliefs Questionnaire Template Page 2


Are you mostly optimistic or well, not so much?
What do you believe about faith?
Finish these sentences - God is ____________. Jesus is _____________. The Bible
is ____________.
List as many things as come to mind.
Finally, ask yourself...
Do I use words like everyone and no-one? Always and never?

Do I see variety, beauty, and love or ugliness and hate?
Now it's time to analyze your answers.
Are most of your answers above positive? Negative?
If you're not sure, grab a small notebook and keep track of your thoughts throughout the
day. and ask yourself if they are mostly hopeful or hopeless?
If you're mostly discouraged, don't give up. You can change your core beliefs.
Start by asking...
Are my beliefs helping me reach my goals or are they
holding me back?
Are they true 100% of the time?
Are they really true 100% of the time?
And here's the most important question of all.
Do my core beliefs line up with the truths of God's Word?


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