Core Beliefs Questionnaire Template


Questions to help you identify your core beliefs.
Be Honest!
What do you believe about yourself?
Finish the sentence - I am _______________.
List the messages that flood your thoughts each day. i.e. I am beautiful, fat, tall, skinny,
smart, talented, foolish, blessed, valued, loved, successful, too emotional, etc.
What do you believe about others?
Finish the following sentences - Most people are _____________? Most men are
_____________? Most women are ___________? Most children are
My spouse is _____________? My child is _____________? My friends are
List things that relate to  . . . appearance, success, finances, personality, blessings, etc.

List any generalizations you believe about . . . race, background, religion, sex, age, etc.

List attributes you believe about people in general . . . honest, helpful, kind, judgmental,
lazy, etc.
What do you believe about the world/life?
Finish the sentence - The world is ____________?
List things like . . . safe, full of opportunity, getting better, doomed, good, etc.
What do you believe about the future?
Finish the sentence - I believe the future is ______________.


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