Transaction Privilege Tax Changes And News Subscription Form - Arizona Page 3


Transaction Privilege Tax Changes and News
This publication is an informational notice included with the February 2004 Transaction Privilege Tax Return.
Effective April 1, 2004: On January 8, 2004 the Mayor and City Council of the City of Surprise passed ordinance number 03-34.
Ordinance 03-34 increases the Surprise City Privilege Tax from 2% to 2.2%. The tax rate increase affects the following
Advertising; Amusements; Construction Contracting; Feed at Wholesale; Job printing; Manufactured buildings; Timbering and
other extraction; Publishing; Hotels; Rental of real property; Rental of tangible personal property; Retail sales;
Telecommunications; Transporting for hire; and Utilities.
Ordinance 03-34 decreases the additional tax on transient lodging from 3% to 1%. The additional tax on transient lodging shall be
reported using SP001.
Ordinance 03-34 decreases the tax on Restaurants and Bars from 5% to 3.2%. The tax on Restaurants and Bars shall be reported
using SP003.
Ordinance 03-34 increases the Retail tax portion of a single item over $5,000 from 1% to 1.2%. The Retail tax portion of a single
item over $5,000 shall be reported using SP004.
Ordinance 03-34 also exempts the sale of food for home consumption.
The increase imposed by this ordinance shall not apply to construction contracts entered into prior to April 1, 2004. Pre-existing
contracts should be reported using CODE SP009 at a rate of 2%.
Effective April 1, 2004: On January 15, 2004 the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Fountain Hills passed ordinance number
04-02 and 04-03. Ordinance 04-02 increases the Fountain Hills Town Privilege Tax on Advertising from 0% to 2.6%. The tax on
Advertising shall be reported using FH000.
Ordinance 04-03 removes the exemption for residential rental by deleting Local Option S and establishing a rate of 1.6%. The tax on
residential rental shall be reported using FH004.
The increase imposed by ordinance 04-02 and 04-03 shall not apply to contracts entered into prior to the effective date of the
ordinance. Pre-existing contracts are exempt.
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