Checklist For Coordinated Equity Review Sheet - Pennsylvania


Checklist for Coordinated Equity Review
An application for coordinated state review (CER-1) is received.
Name of Applicant __________________________________________________
Within three (3) business days after receipt of the CER-1, Pennsylvania, the
Program Coordinator, will contact and identify both a Lead Merit state and a Lead
Disclosure state. It will also contact all non-lead states to inform them that they
have ten (10) business days to review the file and to relay their comments to the
lead states. Contact will be made by either fax, telephone, or E-mail when possible.
Lead Merit State __________________________________________________
Lead Disclosure State ______________________________________________
The Program Coordinator calls the issuer to notify them that the applications have
been received and who the Lead Examiners are.
During the ten (10) business days after providing the notice, the Lead Examiners
work together to assess and organize the comments received from other reviewing
jurisdictions. If they do not understand, or if they disagree with, a comment from
another jurisdiction they will call the analyst who issued the comment and clarify or
resolve the comment at this time. Reviewing jurisdictions should fax or E-mail their
comments to both Lead Examiners.
Following the ten (10) business day comment period, the Lead Examiners will
prepare and promptly issue the coordinated review letter which should be issued no
later than fifteen (15) business days after the original receipt of the file. A copy of
that letter should be mailed, faxed, or E-mailed to all non-lead states.
The Lead Examiners resolve the comments with issuer’ s counsel. Resolving
comments may or may not require the Lead Examiners to check with the original
jurisdiction to ensure that counsel’ s responses satisfy their comments.
After all disclosure comments are resolved, the Lead Disclosure Examiner will
notify his or her states via fax, telephone, or E-mail the same day. Once the Lead
Examiner clears the application all participating disclosure states agree to clear the
After all merit comments are resolved, the Lead Merit Examiner will notify his or
her states via fax, telephone, or E-mail the same day. Once the Lead Examiner
clears the application all participating merit states agree to clear the application.
This notice should also request that each state make the application effective
concurrently with SEC effectiveness and upon receiving notice by the issuer of its
effectiveness date.


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