Schedule Rc-25-A - Cigarette Manufacturer/importer Certification Form - 2010 Page 2

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Form RC-25-A Instructions
General Information
Who must complete this certification?
When and where do I file?
Manufacturer or importer — You must complete this certi-
Distributors must include this attachment with Form RC-25,
fication if you are a manufacturer or importer from which an
which is due on the first business day of each month for the
Illinois distributor has purchased cigarettes to be imported
preceding month. Make a copy of your completed Form RC-25
for your records.
into the United States intended for resale in Illinois. When you
have completed this certification, you must give it to the dis-
Mail your completed Form RC-25 and attachments to:
tributor purchasing your cigarettes.
Distributors — You must attach this completed certification to
your RC-25, Cigarette Importation Report, along with
PO BOX 19477
• Form RC-25-C, Distributor’s Confidential Report,
that identifies the imported cigarettes, supplier, and
persons to whom the imported cigarettes have been
conveyed for resale;
• a copy of the permit issued to the person importing
If you have questions or need help, write to us at the address
cigarettes into the United States under the Internal
we have listed or call us weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Revenue Code, 25 U.S.C. 5713; and
at 217 782-6045.
• a copy of the customs form that contains the Internal
Revenue Service’s cigarette tax information required by
the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.
RC-25 back (R-04/10)


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