Form Cmft-2 - Multiple-Site Form - 1998

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Illinois Department of Revenue
Multiple-Site Form (Attach to Form CMFT-1)
IBT no.:__ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ Liability period:____________
Do not write above this line.
Owner’s name____________________________________________
Column A
Column B
Business name___________________________________________ Number of taxable gallons
Amount of tax
You must round your figures to whole dollars. See instructions.
Site where the taxable retail sale was made:
Location code
(4) ______________
(5) ______________
Site name
Site address
City, state, ZIP
Location code
(4) ______________
(5) ______________
Site name
Site address
City, state, ZIP
Location code
(4) ______________
(5) ______________
Site name
Site address
City, state, ZIP
Location code
(4) ______________
(5) ______________
Site name
Site address
City, state, ZIP
Location code
(4) ______________
(5) ______________
Site name
Site address
City, state, ZIP
Location code
(4) ______________
(5) ______________
Site name
Site address
City, state, ZIP
Column totals (See instructions for multiple pages.)
Write the total of this
Write the total of this
column on Line 4 of
column on Line 5 of
Form CMFT-1.
Form CMFT-1.
This form is authorized by the County Motor Fuel Tax law. Disclosure of this information is REQUIRED. Failure to provide information could result in penalty. This form has been approved by the Forms
Management Center.
CMFT-2 (R-9/98)


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