Ftb 3606 6/08 - Cd-Rom Transmittal Form - State Of California - Franchise Tax Board Page 2

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Check Casher Report
Submit this form with your check casher information report data on a CD-ROM. Send only one CD-ROM
per check casher business. If the data does not fit on one CD-ROM, use multiple CD-ROMs and label
each according to the instructions below. All files submitted on a CD-ROM must be for the same
calendar year. Include this form when you submit your CD-ROM to ensure proper handling. Fill out the
form accurately and completely.
Report for Calendar Year
Enter the calendar year of the transaction you are reporting.
Type of File
Check the box to show if you are providing an original or replacement disc.
Part I Check Casher Information
Provide information about the check casher submitting the report. Enter the name of the business
exactly as it appears in the “A” record of the check casher CD-ROM.
FEIN: Nine-digit number the Internal Revenue Service assigned to you or your business.
SEIN: Eight-digit number the California Employment Development Department assigned to you
or your business.
DOJ Permit Number: Seven-digit permit number the Department of Justice assigned to you or
your business.
Part II Transmitter (Preparer) Information
The transmitter is the entity that prepares the CD-ROM. The check casher business, tax preparer, third
party transmitter, or a software provider can be a
If you use an entity you have authorized to
submit your Check Casher CD-ROM to us. Enter the entity's information in Part II. Include the name of
the person to contact if we experience media problems.
File Preparation (CD-ROM Identification)
Report only one check casher business per CD-ROM. If the data does not fit on one CD-ROM,
use multiple CD-ROMs and label each according to the instructions below. Using a permanent
marker, label each of your CD-ROMs with the following information:
a. Name of check casher business.
b. Name of transmitter.
c. Type of information return you are submitting – Check Casher.
d. Number of CD-ROMs. If you submit more than one CD-ROM for the same check casher
business, list the sequence numbers on the disc (i.e., 1 of 2, 2 of 2). If you submit only one
disc list it as 1 of 1.
Record Maintenance
We suggest that you retain a copy of each transmittal and maintain your data for five years.
Customer Support
For further information about reporting check casher return information on a CD-ROM, please call
Data Exchange Production Services at (916) 845-3778 or send an email to DESHELP@ftb.ca.gov.
FTB 3606 (REV 06-2008)


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