Instructions For Form 9465 - Installment Agreement Request Page 4


Line 1b
pay in full. If no payment amount is listed on line 10, a
payment will be determined for you by dividing the
If the address you provided on line 1a is new since you
balance due by 72 months. If you have an existing
filed your last tax return, check the box on line 1b.
installment agreement, this amount should represent your
total proposed monthly payment amount for all your
Line 2
Show the name and employer identification number (EIN)
of your business (must be no longer operating).
Line 11
Divide the amount on line 9 by 72 and enter the result.
Line 7
If the amount on line 10 is less than the amount on
Enter the total amount you owe as shown on your tax
line 11 and you’re unable to increase your payment to the
return(s) (or notice(s)). Include in this total amount all
amount on line 11, complete and attach Form 433-F,
balances that you owe even if they are included in an
Collection Information Statement.
existing installment agreement.
If the amount on line 10 is equal to or greater than the
amount on line 11 but the amount you owe is greater than
Note. Electronic filing of Form 9465 isn’t available if the
$25,000 but not more than $50,000, you must complete
amount you owe is greater than $50,000. If you don’t
either line 13 or 14, if you don’t want to complete Form
agree to make your payments by direct debit or payroll
433-F. If you have defaulted on an installment agreement
deduction, complete Form 433-F, Collection Information
within the last 12 months, and the amount you owe is
Statement, and file it with this form.
greater than $25,000 but not more than $50,000, you
If the amount you owe is greater than $50,000,
must complete Part II on page 2 of Form 9465.
you must complete Form 433-F, and file it with this
If the amount on line 9 is greater than $50,000,
form. You can download Form 433-F at
complete and attach Form 433-F.
or order it by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).
Line 12
If the total amount you owe isn’t more than
You can choose the day of each month your payment is
$50,000 (including any amounts you owe from
due. This can be on or after the 1st of the month, but no
prior years), you don’t need to file Form 9465; you
later than the 28th of the month. For example, if your rent
can request an installment agreement online. For more
or mortgage payment is due on the 1st of the month, you
information, see Applying online for a payment
may want to make your installment payments on the 15th.
agreement, earlier.
When we approve your request, we will tell you the month
and day that your first payment is due.
Line 8
If we haven’t replied by the date you chose for your first
Even if you can’t pay the full amount you owe now, you
payment, you can send the first payment to the Internal
should pay as much as possible to limit the penalty and
Revenue Service Center at the address shown earlier that
interest charges. If you’re filing this form with your tax
applies to you. See the instructions for line 8 above for
return, make the payment with your return. For details on
details on what to write on your payment.
how to pay, see your tax return instructions.
Lines 13a and 13b
If you’re filing this form by itself, such as in response to
a notice, attach a check or money order payable to
Making your payments by direct debit will help
“United States Treasury.” Don’t send cash. Be sure to
ensure that your payments are made timely and
that you aren’t in default of this agreement.
Your name, address, SSN/EIN, and daytime phone
To pay by direct debit from your checking account at a
bank or other financial institution (such as a mutual fund,
The tax year and tax return (for example, “2016 Form
brokerage firm, or credit union), fill in lines 13a and 13b.
1040”) for which you’re making this request.
Check with your financial institution to make sure that a
direct debit is allowed and to get the correct routing and
Line 9
account numbers.
Subtract line 8 from line 7 and enter the result.
Line 13a. The routing number must be nine digits. The
If the total amount you owe is greater than
first two digits of the routing number must be 01 through
$25,000 but not more than $50,000, you must
12 or 21 through 32. Use a check to verify the routing
either: (1) Complete lines 13a and 13b and agree
number. On the sample check on this page, the routing
to make payments by direct debit, or (2) Check box 14 to
number is 250250025. But if your check is payable
make your payments by payroll deduction and attach a
through a financial institution different from the one at
completed, signed Form 2159, Payroll Deduction
which you have your checking account, don’t use the
Agreement. A payroll deduction agreement isn't available
routing number on that check. Instead, contact your
if you file Form 9465 electronically.
financial institution for the correct routing number.
Line 13b. The account number can be up to 17
Line 10
characters (both numbers and letters). Include hyphens
Enter on line 10 the amount you can pay each month.
but omit spaces and special symbols. Enter the number
Make your payments as large as possible to limit interest
from left to right and leave any unused boxes blank. On
and penalty charges. The charges will continue until you


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