Academic Excellence Award Nominator'S Checklist Form Page 2


In addition to the above information, you will need to submit the following:
1. Nominator’s Statement: Submit 250 words or less that describe the nominee’s major contribution
to simulation through efforts with INACSL, another organization or institution, or to a group. Include
in your statement the top 3 reasons the nominee is deserving of the selected award, a description of
their valued work, and a summary statement that features what will set them apart from others
text here, then copy/paste into text box in Jot Form).
2. One   l etter   o f   s upport   t hat   c learly   d emonstrates   s upport   f or   t he   n ominee   a nd   a  
statement   e videncing   t hat   t he   n ominee   h as   m eet   t he   c riteria   a s   d etailed   o n   t he  
awards   r ubric  
( word   d oc,   w ord   d ocx,   p
3. The   n ominee’s   p hoto   ( maximum   s ize   1   M B).  
Please   t ransfer   t his   i nformation   a nd   s ubmit   d ocuments   t o   t he   J ot   F orm   L ink   o n  
INACSL   A wards   L ink   a t:  


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