Academic Excellence Award Nominator'S Checklist Form


Academic Excellence Award Nominator’s Checklist
Note: Please use this form as a guide for information gathering and for organizing
your submission.
Submissions are NOT accepted by scan or fax. All
submissions must be entered online into Jot Form.
EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMIA AWARD: Advancing Academic Excellence in
of Nursing Simulation & Clinical Laboratories
“This   a ward   i s   g iven   t o   a   m ember   w ho   d emonstrates   a   s ustained   r ecord   o f   t eaching  
excellence   i n   S imulation   T eaching   a nd   L earning   i n   A cademic   S ettings.   T he   s uccessful  
nominee   d emonstrates   f lexibility,   c reativity,   e nthusiasm   f or,   a nd   i nnovation   i n,   t he  
delivery   a nd   d issemination   o f   s imulation-­‐based   e ducation   w here   e ducational  
endeavors   a re   v alidated   b y   e vidence   o f   p ositive   o utcomes   f or   s tudents   a nd/or   f aculty.  
Moreover,   t he   n ominee   c onsistently   e mploys   I NACSL   S tandards   o f   B est   P ractice:  
Simulation   ( 2013)   i n   t eaching   a nd   l earning   a nd   i s   h eld   i n   h igh   r egard   w ith   s tudents   a nd  
Nominee Information:
First and Last Name __________________________________________________
Title and Credentials __________________________________________________
Home Address: ______________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State/Province _________________
Country __________________________Zip/Postal Code _____________________
Email Address _______________________________________________________
Nominator Information (person submitting the award if not self-nominating):
First and Last Name __________________________________________________
Title and Credentials __________________________________________________
Home Address: ______________________________________________________
City __________________________________ State/Province _________________
Country __________________________Zip/Postal Code _____________________
Email Address _______________________________________________________


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