Effective Moderator Skills Prepare Checklist Form


Blackboard Collaborate
Effective Moderator Skills
Prepare Checklist
Best Practices - Practice
 Prepare your content
o Using PowerPoint?
 Keep background templates simple and avoid gradient colors on the
 Use easy to read fonts and stay above 12 points.
 Use visuals whenever possible, especially for complex processes or
 Avoid long bulleted text.
 Use a PowerPoint template with a title box so that titles will be available in
the drop-down title list on the Navigation toolbar.
o Interactive Material
 When possible, include games or multimedia
 Add polling questions and encourage participation
 Identify your Blackboard Collaborate Tools
o When you are just starting out, it’s a good idea to choose a small number of tools
until you are comfortable bringing in more tools.
o . Once they are identified, practice.
 Most common tools:
 Whiteboard, audio, and text chat.
 Tools to “add-on” once you are comfortable with the tools above:
 Application Sharing, Web Tour, Multimedia, File Transfer
 Schedule time with a colleague, family member, or friend.
o Your first session does not need to be with your Participants. Invite someone you
know to the session and practice.
 Upload your content and practice using your tools
o Practice using the tools you’ve identified.
o If you do not need to make modifications to your slides, save them as a
whiteboard file so you can upload and reuse again.
 Schedule your first session
o Review the four skills of effective moderators and keep practicing!
Effective Moderator Skills
Last Updated 11/19/14
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