Form 207 Hcc - Health Care Center Tax Return - 2007 Page 2


Form 207 HCC Instructions
General Instructions
Line 11: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
Complete the return in blue or black ink only.
2007 on any contract or policy entered into: (A) On or after July 1, 2003, to
Due Date: Form 207HCC, Health Care Center Tax Return, is due on or before
provide health care coverage for individuals eligible for a health coverage
March 1, 2008, for health care center tax liability for calendar year 2007.
tax credit and their dependents under a plan procured under Conn. Gen. Stat.
Attachments: Attach the following to this return:
§5-259(i); and (B) On or after July 1, 2005, to provide health care coverage for
The Statement of Revenue and Expenses from the Annual Statement filed
individuals eligible for a retirement benefit from the Connecticut municipal
with the Connecticut Insurance Department;
employees’ retirement system and their dependents under a plan procured under
Conn. Gen. Stat. §5-259(i).
A copy of Schedule T;
2007 Form 207I, if applicable; and
Line 15a: Your company may be eligible to claim certain Connecticut business
2007 Form CT-1120K, if applicable.
tax credits. For more information on Connecticut business tax credits that
your company may be eligible to claim, see Informational Publication
Rounding Off to Whole Dollars: You must round off cents to the nearest
2006(15), Guide to Connecticut Business Tax Credits. If your company
whole dollar on your return and schedules.
claims Connecticut business tax credits, Form CT-1120K, Business Tax
Filing an Amended Return: If an error(s) is made on your return, correct the
Credit Summary, must be completed and attached to this return.
error(s) by filing an amended return using a new Form 207 HCC. Complete
Lines 15b and 15c: The amount of tax credit(s) allowable against the health
Form 207 HCC using the correct figures and information for the reporting
care center tax may not exceed 70% of the amount of health care center tax
period. If filing an amended return, include the amount paid with the original
due prior to the application of the credit(s). See Special Notice 2003(16),
return on Line 19.
2003 Legislation Affecting the Health Care Center Tax, for more information.
Parties to a Civil Union: For subscriber charges received on or after
October 1, 2005, the references in the instructions for Lines 2, 4, 5, and 11 to
Line 18: Enter estimated payments made with Forms 207 HCC ESA, ESB,
the spouse or dependent of an employee or individual include, where the
ESC, and ESD.
employee or individual is a party to a civil union recognized under Connecticut
Line 19: Enter payment made with Form 207/207 HCC EXT, Application for
law, the other party to the civil union, and the references in the instructions for
Extension of Time to File Domestic Insurance Premiums Tax Return or Health
Line 3 to the spouse of a retired teacher include, where the retired teacher is a
Care Center Tax Return. To request an extension of time to file Form 207 HCC,
party to a civil union recognized under Connecticut law, the other party to the
you must file Form 207/207 HCC EXT, and pay all the tax it expects to owe on
civil union.
or before March 1, 2008.
Line Instructions
Line 20: If Line 13 is greater than Line 17, subtract Line 17 from
Line 13. This is the amount of tax you owe.
Line 1: Enter total net direct subscriber charges received during calendar
year 2007 on any new or renewal contract.
Line 22: Your election to credit your overpayment to your 2008 estimated health
care center tax, or to have your overpayment refunded to you, is irrevocable.
Line 2: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
2007 on any contract or policy entered into with the State of Connecticut to
Line 22a: Enter the amount of overpayment you want credited to your 2008
provide health care coverage to state employees, retirees, or their dependents.
estimated health care center tax. Your overpayment will be credited to your
2008 estimated health care center tax as of March 1, 2008, or the date that this
Line 3: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
return is filed, whichever is later. Therefore, if this return is filed after March 15,
2007 on any contract or policy entered into with the State of Connecticut on or
2008, your estimated health care center tax payment for March 15, 2008 will not
after February 1, 2000, to provide health care coverage to retired teachers,
be timely made.
their spouses, or their surviving spouses covered by plans offered by the
State Teachers’ Retirement System.
Line 22b: Enter the amount of overpayment you want refunded to you.
Line 4: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
Line 24a: Late Payment Penalty: Multiply Line 23 by 10%. Enter the result
2007 on any contract or policy entered into on or after July 1, 2001, to provide
or $50, whichever is greater.
health care coverage for employees of a Connecticut municipality and their
Line 24b: Multiply Line 23 by 1% per month or fraction of a month from the
dependents under a plan procured under Conn. Gen. Stat. §5-259(i).
original due date of the return to the date of payment.
Line 5: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
Line 25: If estimated tax was underpaid, complete and attach Form 207I,
2007 on any contract or policy entered into: (A) On or after July 1, 2001, to
Underpayment of Estimated Insurance Premiums Tax or Health Care Center
provide health care coverage for employees of a Connecticut nonprofit
Tax, and enter the amount from Line 22 of Form 207I.
organization and their dependents under a plan procured under Conn. Gen.
Stat. §5-259(i); and (B) On or after July 1, 2005, to provide health care coverage
Line 26: Add the amounts from Lines 23, 24, and 25.
for employees of a community action agency and their dependents under a
Make check payable to: Commissioner of Revenue Services. To ensure
plan procured under Conn. Gen. Stat. §5-259(i).
payment is applied to your account, write “2007 Form 207 HCC” and your
Line 6: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
Connecticut Tax Registration Number on the front of your check. DRS may
2007 from the federal government to provide health care coverage for Medicare
submit your check to your bank electronically.
Mail to:
Department of Revenue Services
Line 7: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
State of Connecticut
2007 from a contract or policy entered into with the State of Connecticut to
PO Box 2990
Hartford CT 06104-2990Signature: The treasurer of the company,
provide health care coverage to Medicaid recipients under the Medicaid Managed
Care program established under Conn. Gen. Stat. §17b-28.
or an authorized agent or officer of the company, must sign Form 207 HCC.
Line 8: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
Paid Preparer Signature: A paid preparer must sign and date Form 207 HCC.
2007 from any contract or policy entered into with the State of Connecticut on
Paid preparers must also enter their Social Security Number (SSN) or Preparer
or after April 1, 1998, to provide health care coverage to eligible beneficiaries
Tax Identification Number (PTIN), and their firm’s Federal Employer ID Number
under the HUSKY Plan, Part A; HUSKY Plan, Part B; or the HUSKY Plus programs.
(FEIN) in the spaces provided.
Line 9: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year 2007
For More Information: If you have any questions, call the Taxpayer Services
from any contract or policy entered into with the State of Connecticut to provide
Division at 1-800-382-9463 (Connecticut calls outside the greater Hartford
health care coverage to recipients of state administered general assistance.
calling area only) or 860-297-5962 (from anywhere), or go to
Line 10: Enter net direct subscriber charges received during calendar year
to visit the DRS website.
2007 from the federal Employees Health Benefits Fund to provide health care
TTY, TDD, and Text Telephone users only may transmit inquiries anytime
coverage for United States government employees, retired United States
by calling 860-297-4911.
government employees, certain former United States government employees
and eligible members of their families.
Form 207 HCC Back (Rev. 12/07)


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