Montana Form Rsch - Increase Research And Development Activities Credit - 2005

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Rev. 12-05
2005 Increase Research and Development Activities Credit
15-31-150 MCA
For taxable year beginning _____________ and ending ____________
Read the instructions before completing this form
If this credit is a pass-through to you from a partnership or S. corporation enter here the name, FEIN and your percentage
of ownership in the partnership or S. corporation.
__________________________________________ FEIN ___________________________ % of Ownership ________
Part I – Credit Calculation for Basic Research Payments
See IRC 41(e)
1. Enter the basic research costs that you paid or the expenses that you incurred to qualified
organizations for basic research conducted in Montana (see instructions.) ........................................ 1. ____________
2. Enter your qualified organization base period amount. ........................................................................ 2. ____________
3. Subtract line 2 from line 1 and enter the result. If less than zero, enter zero. ..................................... 3. ____________
Part II – Credit Calculation for Qualified Research Expenses
See IRC (41)(b)
4. Enter the wages that you paid for qualified services conducted in Montana (do not include wages
used to compute the Federal Jobs Credit.) .......................................................................................... 4. ____________
5. Enter the cost of your supplies used for research activities in Montana. ............................................. 5. ____________
6. Enter the cost of your rental or lease of computers used for research activities in Montana (see
instructions.) .......................................................................................................................................... 6. ____________
7. Enter the applicable percentage of your contract research expenses incurred in Montana (see
instructions.) .......................................................................................................................................... 7. ____________
8. To determine your total qualified research expenses, add lines 4 through 7 and enter the result. ..... 8. ____________
9. Enter the fixed-base percentage, but not more than 16% (see instructions.) ...................................... 9. ____________
10. Enter average annual gross receipts from everywhere. ..................................................................... 10. ____________
11. To determine your base amount, multiply line 10 by the percentage on line 9 and enter the result. . 11. ____________
12. Subtract line 11 from line 8 and enter the result. ................................................................................ 12. ____________
13. Multiply the amount on line 8 by 50% (.50) and enter the result. ....................................................... 13. ____________
14. Enter the smaller of line 12 or 13. ...................................................................................................... 14. ____________
Part III – Total Research and Development Tax Credit
15. Enter the total of lines 3 and 14. ......................................................................................................... 15. ____________
16. Multiply line 15 by 5% (.05) and enter the result. ............................................................................... 16. ____________
17. Enter the research and development tax credit that you carried forward from a prior year and
attach the schedule. ............................................................................................................................ 17. ____________
18. Add lines 16 and 17 and enter the result. This is your total available research and
development activities credit. Transfer to Form 2A, Schedule V, line 23 for individuals; Form
PR-1, Schedule II for partnerships; Form CLT-4S, Schedule II for S. corporations; or to Form
CLT-4, Schedule C for C. corporations. .............................................................................................. 18. ____________
When you file your Montana income tax return electronically, you represent that you have retained all
documents required as a tax record and that you will provide a copy to the department upon request.


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