Form Ct-Wh (Drs) - Connecticut Withholding Tax Payment Form - 2010


Department of Revenue Services
Form CT-WH (DRS)
State of Connecticut
PO Box 2931
Connecticut Withholding Tax Payment Form
Hartford, CT 06104-2931
(Rev. 12/09)
Weekly Remitters: Enter date payroll was paid.
_ _ /_ _ / 2010
1. Enter quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4)
See instructions.
2. Connecticut tax withheld
Line Instructions
Complete this return in blue or black ink only.
Enter name, address, and identifi cation numbers.
General Instructions
Weekly remitters: Enter the date the payroll was paid not the due
Form CT-WH (DRS) may be used by new employers or employers
date of the coupon.
who have not received the 2010 Employer’s Withholding Remittance
Line 1: Enter the number of the quarter to which this payment
Coupon Book. Once the withholding book is received, use only the
applies. Enter 1 for the fi rst quarter (January 1 through March 31);
preprinted coupons contained in the book.
2 for the second quarter (April 1 through June 30); 3 for the third
Payers of nonpayroll amounts must use Form CT-8109 (DRS),
quarter (July 1 through September 30); or 4 for the fourth quarter
Connecticut Withholding Tax Payment Form for Nonpayroll Amounts.
(October 1 through December 31).
All employers are required to withhold Connecticut income
If the tax liability was incurred during one quarter and paid to DRS
tax from employee wages at the time wages are paid. Use
in another quarter, enter the quarter in which the tax liability was
Form CT-WH (DRS) to make payments to the Connecticut
incurred. For example, if the tax liability was incurred in March and
Department of Revenue Services (DRS).
paid to DRS in April, enter 1.
Filing Frequency
Line 2: Weekly remitters: Enter total Connecticut income tax
withheld from wages paid on the date entered above Line 1.
Each calendar year DRS classifi es employers for Connecticut income
tax withholding purposes as a weekly, monthly, or quarterly remitter.
Monthly remitters: Enter total Connecticut income tax withheld
Most new employers will be classifi ed as monthly remitters.
from wages for the month.
The fi ling frequency is based on the employer’s reported liability for
Quarterly remitters: Quarterly remitters are required to make
the tax required to be deducted and withheld during the 12-month
their payments using Form CT-941 (DRS), Connecticut Quarterly
look-back period. The 12-month look-back period for calendar year
Reconciliation of Withholding.
2010 is the 12-month period that ended on June 30, 2009.
Pay the amount on Line 2.
See Special Notice 2004(9), 2004 Legislation Affecting Connecticut
Do not fi le Form CT-WH (DRS) if no payment is due, or your
Income Tax Withholding by Employers on Wages Paid on or After
payment was made by electronic funds transfer (EFT) or through
January 1, 2005, and the Connecticut Withholding Tax Payment
the Taxpayer Service Center (TSC).
Schedule on back.
Where to File
Household employers registered to withhold Connecticut
Use the TSC to electronically fi le this return. See TSC on back.
income tax from their household employees wages must fi le one
If paying by mail, make your check payable to: Commissioner
Form CT-941 (DRS/P), Connecticut Reconciliation of Withholding
of Revenue Services. Write your Connecticut Tax Registration
for Household Employers, for the entire calendar year. See
Number and the calendar quarter to which the payment applies on
Informational Publication 2010(1), Connecticut Employer’s Tax
your check. DRS may submit your check to your bank electronically.
Guide, Circular CT.
Mail the completed coupon to the address on the coupon.
Separate here and mail coupon to DRS. Make a copy for your records.
Connecticut Withholding Tax Payment
Connecticut Tax Registration Number
Federal Employer ID Number
Weekly Remitters: Enter date payroll was paid.
Enter name and address below. Please print or type.
_ _ /_ _ / 2010
1. Enter quarter (1, 2, 3, or 4).
See instructions.
2. Connecticut tax withheld
File electronically at
Zip code
Do not fi le Form CT-WH (DRS) if no payment is due.
Pay the amount on Line 2.
If fi ling by mail, send payment to:
DRS, PO Box 2931, Hartford CT 06104-2931
Make check payable to: Commissioner of Revenue Services.
Write your Connecticut Tax Registration Number on your check.


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