Please read through the brief descriptions of the various Nebraska motor fuel programs that may affect your business.
More detailed information on each program may be obtained by requesting that program’s specific information guide.
Petroleum Release Remedial Action Fee. Any
Supplier. Any person who owns motor vehicle fuels
person who first sells, offers for sale, or uses petroleum
(e.g. gasoline and gasohol), aircraft fuels (e.g. aviation
in Nebraska must obtain a Petroleum Release Remedial
jet fuel and aviation gasoline), or diesel fuel in a Nebraska
Action License. This includes persons who:
pipeline terminal facility must obtain a Nebraska Supplier
Own petroleum at a pipeline terminal in Nebraska;
Distributor. Any person who purchases motor vehicle
Import petroleum by tank car, pipeline, or connecting
fuels (e.g. gasoline and gasohol), aircraft fuels (e.g.
pipeline for their own use or sale in Nebraska; or
aviation jet fuel and aviation gasoline), or diesel fuel from
Import petroleum into Nebraska in a transport vehicle.
a supplier at a pipeline terminal facility must obtain a
This fee funds the cleanup of leaking storage tanks.
Nebraska Distributor License.
Compressed Fuel Retailer. Any person who sells
Importer. Any person who owns motor vehicle fuels
compressed fuel (e.g. propane and natural gas), and has
(e.g. gasoline and gasohol), aircraft fuels (e.g. aviation
equipment capable of dispensing compressed fuel into
jet fuel and aviation gasoline), or diesel fuel at the time
motor vehicles, must obtain a Nebraska Compressed Fuel
it is imported into Nebraska via truck or railcar must
Retailer License. Only one license will be issued
obtain a Nebraska Importer License.
regardless of the number of locations from which
Wholesaler. Any person who purchases motor vehicle
compressed fuel is sold. A licensed compressed fuel
fuels (e.g. gasoline and gasohol), aircraft fuels (e.g.
retailer must collect and remit the tax on all compressed
aviation jet fuel and aviation gasoline), or diesel fuel from
fuel sold for use in a licensed motor vehicle. List all
a licensed distributor or importer for resale purposes must
locations on the application.
obtain a Nebraska Wholesaler License.
Compressed fuel retailer licensees must maintain a
Exporter. Any person who obtains motor vehicle fuels
surety bond for the first year of the new license. A
(e.g. gasoline and gasohol), aircraft fuels (e.g. aviation
completed Nebraska Motor Fuels Tax Bond, Form 70,
jet fuel and aviation gasoline), or diesel fuel from a
must be mailed with this application.
Nebraska pipeline terminal or other bulk storage facility
Motor Fuel Retailer. All owner/operators of locations
exclusively for use or resale in another state must obtain
where retail sales of motor fuels are made to end users
a Nebraska Exporter License.
must obtain a Nebraska Retailer License for each location.
New supplier, distributor, importer, wholesaler, and
If there is more than one location, all locations must be
exporter licensees must maintain a surety bond for
indicated on the application.
the first year of the new license. A completed
When a tank wagon operator does not hold a retailer’s
Nebraska Motor Fuels Tax Bond, Form 70, must be
license, or a motor vehicle, aircraft, or diesel fuel tax
mailed with this application.
license, that operation must be licensed as a retail location.
Carrier. Any person who transports motor fuels via a
To only license additional retail locations, complete
transport vehicle in this state must obtain a Nebraska
Liquid Fuel Carrier License.
blocks 1 through 4, and 20 on the application. Please
include any other information that has changed.
Terminal Operator. Any person who owns or operates
a pipeline terminal facility in Nebraska must obtain a
Retailers of tax-paid gasoline, diesel, and aircraft fuels
must be registered, but do not file monthly reports.
Nebraska Terminal Operator License for each location.
For Nebraska Motor Fuels Tax Assistance:
Nebraska State Office Building
301 Centennial Mall South, P.O. Box 98904
Lincoln, NE 68509-8904
Telephone toll free 800-554-FUEL (800-554-3835) Lincoln residents call 471-5730
*For TT (Text Telephone) dial 800-382-9309
Motor Fuels Web site address:
For Assistance With Other Nebraska Tax Programs:
Telephone toll free 800-742-7474 Lincoln residents call 471-5729
*Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD) is designated by the use of “TT,” which is consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act.