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(Part "A" completed by requestor per instructions below)
(Part "B" completed by the DPW in accordance with local procedures)
CUSTOMER ID: One to three alpha numeric characters per local DPW policy.
A code used to identify the user, occupant, owner of a facility, or the organizational activity submitting a work request.
DOCUMENT SERIAL NO: Must be five alpha numeric characters. Based on local procedures, this number may be generated and entered by the
requestor or computer generated and assigned by DPW. It is a number which indicates a place in a series and when used in conjunction with
installation number, customer identification, document type, and fiscal year, it uniquely identifies one document of a particular type.
FISCAL YEAR: The last digit of the fiscal year; i.e., '3' for Fiscal Year 2003.
TYPE: Leave blank; DPW Work Reception will complete
SHORT JOB DESCRIPTION: Up to 30 alpha numeric characters that provide a description with a concise summary statement of the work to be
DATE: The date Work Request was completed (Format - 15 JUL 03).
INSTALLATION ABBREVIATION: Up to eight alpha numeric characters for the locally assigned abbreviation of the installation's officially
designated name; e.g., Fort Benjamin Harrison abbreviated as Fort Ben.
FACILITY NUMBER: A code of five alpha numeric characters which represent the unique serial number assigned to a real property facility
within an installation for identification through its life cycle, e.g. P0001.
REMARKS: At a minimum, include email address of the Primary POC and an Alternate POC for requested work.
INSTALLATION NAME: The official name of an Army real estate holding and the principal function as defined in the real property inventory,
e.g., Fort Lee.
CUSTOMER NAME: The name or description of the user, occupant, owner of a facility, or the organizational activity authorized to submit a
request for work consisting of up to 15 alpha numeric characters.
POC NAME: Name of the person responsible for specific work information about requested work consisting of up to 15 alpha numeric
characters (Format - Last Name, First Name)
POC PHONE NUMBER: Phone number for POC of this particular work request consisting of up to 12 alpha numeric characters.
WORK DESCRIPTION: Description of work to include impact and justification.
AUTHORIZED REQUESTOR: The name of the individual who is authorized to request work.
SIGNATURE: Signature of Authorized Requestor.
APD LC v1.03ES
DA FORM 4283, SEP 2003
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