Form 5452 - Corporate Report Of Nondividend Distributions 1994 Page 2


Form 5452 (Rev. 12-94)
Nondividend Distributions
Nondividend distributions are distributions made to
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code.
shareholders in the normal course of business.
Paperwork Reduction Act Notice
They are considered fully or partially nontaxable as
dividends only because the paying corporation’s current and
We ask for the information on this form to carry out the
accumulated earnings and profits are less than the
Internal Revenue laws of the United States. You are required
distributions. Nondividend distributions do not include
to give us the information. We need it to ensure that you are
tax-free stock dividends or distributions exchanged for stock
complying with these laws and to allow us to figure and
in liquidations or redemptions.
collect the right amount of tax.
The time needed to complete and file this form will vary
Corporate Distributions
depending on individual circumstances. The estimated
Complete Part E, Corporate Distributions, showing the
average time is:
taxable and nontaxable status of distributions reported to
19 hr., 51 min.
shareholders. The percent of distributions that is taxable and
the percent that is nontaxable are based on the amounts
Learning about
shown on each line in the column, Total Amount Paid. If
the law or the form
1 hr., 20 min.
noncash distributions were made, attach a statement and
Preparing the form
3 hr., 35 min.
show both the tax bases and fair market values.
Copying, assembling, and
sending the form to the IRS
32 min.
Supporting Information
If you have comments concerning the accuracy of these
1. Attach the following information to Form 5452. See
time estimates or suggestions for making this form simpler,
Revenue Procedure 75-17, 1975-1 C.B. 677.
we would be happy to hear from you. You can write to the
A computation of earnings and profits for the tax year (see
IRS at the address listed in the instructions for the tax return
the example of a worksheet on page 3 and a blank
with which this form is filed.
worksheet on page 4). Also attach a schedule of the
differences between the earnings and profits computation
Purpose of Form
and the Schedule M-1 (Form 1120).
Complete Form 5452 if nondividend distributions are made to
A year-by-year computation of the accumulated earnings
shareholders under section 301 or section 1368(c)(3).
and profits, and a schedule of differences since the origin of
the company, February 28, 1913, or the last year that
Who Must File
information was furnished, whichever is later.
A tax basis balance sheet. Show application of the net
All corporations that have made nondividend distributions to
differences to the balance sheet items as shown on
their shareholders must file Form 5452.
Schedule L (Form 1120). Explain any further adjustments
A calendar tax year corporation must file Form 5452 and
necessary to figure the balance sheet on a tax basis. If the
the items listed under Supporting Information with its
corporation used an accelerated method of depreciation,
income tax return due for the tax year in which the
attach a schedule of the depreciation (and any amortization)
nondividend distributions were made.
figured under the straight line method. Also attach a
A fiscal tax year corporation must file Form 5452 and the
reconciliation of any difference between that amount and the
items listed under Supporting Information with its income
amount deducted on Form 1120 or other comparable return.
tax return due for the first fiscal year ending after the
See Exhibits B and C in Rev. Proc. 75-17.
calendar year in which the nondividend distributions were
2. A consolidated filer must also attach the following
If the corporation is a member of a consolidated group, the
A schedule that shows the allocation of the consolidated
parent corporation must file Form 5452. An S corporation
tax liability and identifies the method used. (Indicate if an
should file this form only for distributions made under section
intercompany agreement is in effect.)
A schedule that shows the taxable income or loss of each
member of the consolidated group.
For each member of a consolidated group that made
nondividend distributions, provide the information requested
in Item 1 above.


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