Form 753
Revised 9-2014
Oklahoma Tax Commission - Motor Vehicle Division
Affidavit of Vehicle Ownership
I (printed name),
, of,
hereby swear and act upon my oath that the vehicle described below was granted and conveyed unto me, per the
attached documentation, on or about the
day of
, 20
, by
of (city/state)
and I am unable to contact that individual to secure proper ownership documentation.
Vehicle Identification Number
Odometer Disclosure Applicable to Motor Vehicles Nine (9) Model Years Old or Newer
I certify the odometer reading reflects:
and is, to the best of my knowledge, (check one):
Actual mileage
Not Actual Mileage
Exceeds Mechanical Limits of Odometer
I declare that the last state in which this vehicle was registered is:
and the last
license plate issued to this vehicle is
, and the last registration decal number
, dated (month/year),
I further state that to the best of my knowledge there are no liens or claims on this vehicle from any other party.
Affiant further agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State of Oklahoma, its agencies, and subsequent purchasers of
said property, for any loss they may suffer resulting from titling and registration of the above vehicle, and do agree to war-
rant and defend title to this vehicle against any and all claims.
I understand that any false statement made by me shall be punishable by fine and imprisonment as provided in Title 47,
Section 4-108 of the Oklahoma Statutes.
Signature of Applicant
Applicant’s Driver License Number
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of __________________ , ________.
My commission expires _______________ , ____________ .
_________________________________________________________ , Notary Public
Notary Seal
For Oklahoma Tax Commission Use Only
Approved by (OTC Personnel):
Rejected by (OTC Personnel):
Rejection Due To: