Literary Analysis Essay Outline Template Page 2


Literary Analysis Essay: Outline
I. Attention Getter:____________________________________________________
A. Background, overview of critical lens: _________________________________
B. Thesis: __________________________________________________________
II. Main point of first paragraph:__________________________________________
A. Quotes or examples to illustrate argument: ____________________________
B. Explanation of how quote/example demonstrates a facet of your thesis:
C. . Quotes or examples to illustrate argument: __________________________
D. Explanation of how quote/example demonstrates a facet of your thesis:
E. How does the previous paragraph relate to your thesis? __________________
III. Main point of second paragraph: _______________________________________
A. Quote or example to illustrate argument: ______________________________
B. Explanation of how quote/example demonstrates a facet of your thesis:
C. Quotes or examples to illustrate argument: ____________________________
D. Explanation of how quote/example demonstrate a facet of your thesis:
E. How does the previous paragraph relate to your thesis? __________________


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