Client Intake Form - Massage Therapy


12500 W. 58
Ave., Unit 102, Arvada, CO 80002
Client Intake Form—Massage Therapy
Address:_______________________________________ City:________________ State:_____ Zip: _______
Cell Phone:_______________________
Alt Phone: ____________________________
Emergency Contact:_____________________________________
Relationship:_____________________________ Phone:___________________________
The following information will be used to help your massage therapist plan a safe and effective massage
session. Please answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.
Have you had a professional massage before? Y / N If so, when was your last treatment?_____________
Is there a specific area of the body where you are experiencing tension, stiffness, pain, or discomfort?
If you are dealing with any chronic pain, illness, or disability, please describe:
Are you currently taking any medication (including self-prescribed)? If so, please explain:
Are you wearing __ contact lenses __ dentures __a hearing aid __prosthetics?
Do you perform any repetitive movement in your work, sports, or hobbies? ____________________________
Do you have sensitive skin? Y / N
Are you pregnant? Y / N
If so, how many months?__________________


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