Algebra I Point-Slope Form Worksheet


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Algebra I
Point-Slope Form Worksheet
Give an equation in point-slope form that satisfies the given information.
1. Passes through (2, 3) and has slope of –½ .
2. Passes through (-1, 4) and m = 4.
3. Passes through (0, 2) and has slope of –5/3.
4. Passes through (4, -2) and m = 0.
5. Passes through (-4, 6) and (-2, 5)
6. Passes through (-1, -7) and (1, 3)
Give the slope of each of the following lines. Name a point on each line.
7. y + 2 = 2/3 (x – 4)
8. y – 3 = ½ (x – 3)
9. y + 5 = ¼ (x + 2)
10. Y = 2 (x + 3)
11. y – 8 = -3 (x + 1)
12. Y + 3 = -1/5 x


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