Independent Reading Log Page 2


My Reaction:
• The events from today’s reading remind me o a time when I . . .
• I am confused about _________ because . . .
• While I was reading today, the book made me think of _________. This is
interesting because . . .
• As I was reading today, I felt _________. I felt _________. I think this was
because . . .
• After today’s reading, I predict that . . .
• I had predicted that _______. What happened was . . .
Compare and Contrast:
• The story I am reading is similar to _________ because . . . (have at least 2
examples from the book to support your claim)
• The story I am reading is very different from _______ because . . . (have at
least 2 examples from the book to support your claim)
• The characters _________ and _________ are similar because . . . (have at
least 2 examples from the book to support your claim)
• The characters ________ and _________ are different because . . . (have at
least 2 examples from the book to support your claim)
• As I was reading, I noticed that this story is taking place in/at ________. This
is important to the story because . . . Otherwise, . . .
• The tone of this book right now is ________. Some words/evidence that the
author uses to show this are _____, _____, and _____.
Imagery and Figurative Language:
• During today’s reading, I found the following 5 strong verbs . . . (use 2 of the
strong verbs in original sentences created by you)
• During today’s reading, I found the following 5 descriptive adjectives . . . (use 2 of
the descriptive adjectives in original sentences created by you)
• My favorite line from today’s reading was “_________.” I liked it because . . .
• I found the following example of a metaphor: “ ___________.” This metaphor is
comparing _______.
• I found the following example of a simile: “___________.” This simile is
comparing _______.
Finishing a Book:
• I thought the ending of this book was _________ because _________.
• If I could change the ending of this book, it would end with . . .
• My favorite part of this book was __________ because . . .
• After reading this book, I would like to read other books by ______ because . . .


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