Independent Reading Log


• Each day for homework, you will need to read for a minimum of 30 minutes
• When you are done reading you will need to write a response.
• Use the Response Starters below to guide your writing.
• Throughout the year, use a variety of Response Starters. Don’t get stuck in a rut,
writing the same thing each night.
• Responses should thoroughly express your ideas about and understanding of the
book you are reading.
• Your Independent Reading Log will be used toward your final Reading Grade EACH
marking period.
IRL Response Starters
Starting a New Book:
• I chose this book because . . .
• So far, this book started off . . . I think I will enjoy it because . . . or I am not
sure how much I will like this book because . . . (have at least 2 examples from
the book to support your claim)
• ___________ is a __________ title for this book because . . .
• A better title for this book would have been _________. This would be a much
better title because . . . (have at least 2 examples from the book to support your
• The cover of the book includes . . . In the book the images represent . . .
• A conflict (problem) from today’s reading was . . . It was resolved by . . . or I think
it will be resolved by . . .
• When _____ happened, it caused _____ to happen.
• In today’s reading the following important events occurred . . .
• The character, _______, possesses the following character trait(s). Some
examples from the story that support this include . . .
• The character, ______, said, “_______________.” Proving that he/she
possesses the following character trait of __________.
• I can relate to the character, _________ because . . . (have at least 2 examples
from the book to support your claim)
_______ is my favorite character in this book because . . . (have at least 2
examples from the book to support your claim)
• _______ is my least favorite character in this book because . . . (have at least 2
examples from the book to support your claim)


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