Midday Supervisory Assistant Job Description And Person Specification Page 3


2. Able to exert authority and give
directions/instruction in a confident manner
3. Able to communicate with children and adults
4. Knowledge of school standards and procedures
5. Knowledge of health and safety regulations within
a school environment, Basic Health and Safety
Training, plus awareness of how to obtain
information on children's allergies or asthma, etc
and how to use epipens, etc.
6. Flexibility
7. Approachability
General Information
● The job descriptions details the main outcomes required and should
only be updated to reflect ​ m ajor changes ​ t hat impact on the outcomes
of the job
● All work performed/duties undertaken must be carried out in
accordance with relevant County Council, department and school’s
policies and procedures, within legislation, and with regard to the
needs of our customers and the diverse community we serve.
● Job holders will be expected to be flexible in their duties and carry out
any other duties commensurate with the grade and falling within the
general scope of the job, as requested by management.
Issue Number: 15
Authorised by: Head of HR and OD
Date: 25 January 2012
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